One thousand communities Female entrepreneurs Women's network 28 Rabobank Group Annual Report 2003 improve their business by offering them a wide range of workshops, seminars, studies and training courses. For the benefit of private members, the banks organised informative evening meetings about such subjects as Internet banking, investment and themes of regional economic interest. In addition, talks were held on various topical themes, often proposed by members, and members could provide feedback on the Bank's policy in members' meetings or member councils.In 2004,the Bank will continue to increase member engagement under the slogan: 'Rabobank members are privileged'. In order to help the local banks in the structured organisation of member influence, Rabobank Nederland held a workshop on that theme in 2003.This workshop will be held in 2004 as well. In 2003, Rabobank presented the book 'New links',containing one thousand examples of communities initiated by local Rabobanks. It concerns the initiation of dialogues with and among members and clients with similar interests. Examples are business clubs for young entrepreneurs, young people's councils and platforms for elderly people. In 2003, activities of Rabobank communities also included arts and culture, diversity, sustainability and innovation, as well as quality of life. The book was published at the request of the local banks with the aim of using each other's ideas and experiences in the context of the membership policy. A number of local Rabobanks started a female entrepreneurs' community in 2003.The importance of such a network is obvious. Female entrepre neurs are active in one in every three businesses.The same proportion applies to starting businesses.Together with five local trial banks, Rabobank Nederland drew up the 'Communities for female entre preneurs' handbook in the year under review. The handbook offers practical advice for local banks wishing to establish a local network of female entrepreneurs. 'The initiative for the women's network came from Rabobank.The concept appealed to me and several other business women in Helmond. But I never expected that the network would immediately L Irene van Middelaar, co-owner of hotel West-Ende in Helmond and chairperson of Isis, Women in Business.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Annual Reports Rabobank | 2003 | | pagina 32