Committee and terms of reference
Audit Committee
Co-operative Issues Committee:
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
Appeals Committee
Committees of the Supervisory Board
Changes on Executive Board
Report of the Supervisory Board of Rabobank Nederland 13
Duties: advises the Supervisory Board on financial, economic and
supervisory issues
M.Minderhoud, Chairman
L. Koopmans, permanent member
L.J.M. Berndsen, permanent member
A.J.A.M.Vermeer, rotating member
A.W.Veenman, rotating member
S.E. Eisma, rotating member
H.C.Scheffer, rotating member
Duties: advises the Supervisory Board on the co-operative's broad
A.J.A.M.Vermeer, Chairman
L. Koopmans, permanent member
M.J.M.Tielen, permanent member
B. Bijvoet, rotating member
S.M. Dekker, rotating member
J.A.A.M.van Rossum, rotating member
T. de Boon, future member
Duties: advises the Supervisory Board on issues concerning appoint
ments and remuneration
L. Koopmans, Chairman
A.J.A.M.Vermeer, member
S.M. Dekker, member
H.C. Scheffer, member
Duties: advises the Supervisory Board on appeal cases where the
Supervisory Board acts as body for appeals as defined in articles of
S.E. Eisma, Chairman
J.A.A.M.van Rossum, member
M.J.M.Tielen, member
Immediately upon its installation, the Supervisory Board started to
work on the organisation of the duties to be performed. Four com
mittees were established for a proper performance of the duties
and responsibilities under the articles of association. Besides perma
nent members, two of these committees also have a number of
rotating members.The aim of this arrangement is to achieve the full
involvement of the entire Supervisory Board in the various aspects
of the supervisory role.
To support it in the performance of its duties, the Supervisory Board
intends to gain extensive information, through special meetings, on
a range of banking issues.This will broaden the level of knowledge
of its members and will provide better insight into the elements
that are essential to the management of Rabobank Nederland - and
to the supervision thereof.The first such information session took
place in January 2003. Issues addressed included developments
relating to the new capital adequacy regulations, funding and
liquidity policy and risk management.
In September 2002 the Executive Board of Rabobank Nederland
successively took formal leave of its Chairman, H.N.J. (Hans) Smits
and its Chief Financial Officer (CFO), W.M. (Wim) van den Goorbergh.
At the end of 2002, J.F.C.M. (John) van Nuenen likewise relinquished
his position on the Executive Board.The Supervisory Board
expresses its gratitude to Messrs Smits, Van den Goorbergh and
Van Nuenen for their valuable contribution to Rabobank Group's
development. The Supervisory Board took the necessary steps
and decisions to fill the vacancies thus arisen. With effect from
1 December 2002, Mr H. (Bert) Heemskerk was appointed as the
Executive Board's Chairman. With effect from that same date,
Mr PJ.A. (Piet) van Schijndel was appointed to the Executive Board.
With effect from 1 January 2003, Mr P.W. (Piet) Moerland was
appointed as a member of the Executive Board. At the time of
writing, the post of CFO in the Executive Board is as yet vacant.
Mr Heemskerk has temporarily taken on the relevant duties and
responsibilities. The Supervisory Board will investigate how this
vacancy could be filled.