We have to live the motto we can do more', both internally and externally 9 Cooperation between WFF Rabobank transfers from employees from one location to another, helps us to spread expertise throughout our global operations." Bruce Dick believes that another way to enrich employees' cooperative understanding is to bring more staff from partner banks to the Netherlands for longer 4 periods, such as two to three months, thereby exposing them to the culture and helping them understand how the cooperative process works in practice. "One way might be to have more career-based discussions with employees who are more long term in their outlook, where we extend the time horizon beyond 24 months," he says. "In essence you're trying to nurture the unique Rabobank culture and that comes back to understanding values and recognising behaviour. We have well-focused operations abroad, so if ever there was a time to push forward, then this is it," Dick Hak (1957) is Managing Director of member bank Rabobank Venlo. He started his careerwith Rabobank 30 years ago and during that time he has worked both for member banks and for Rabobank Nederland in a variety of commercial and management positions. Hak is a member of the Central Delegates Assembly and recently spent a sabbatical year in Australia and New Zealand learning about Rural Retail banking from the inside. L to R: Johan van den Gronden (CEO WWF Nederland), Piet Moerland (Chairman Rabobank Group Executive Board), Anthony Burgmans (Chairman SB WWF Nederland) and Berry Marttin (Executive Board member Rabobank Group), In 2050, the world will have 9 billion mouths to feed. Accomplishing this will be an enormous challenge. It is crucial, therefore, that all parties - governments, environmental organisations, and businesses - form close alliances to cope with this huge task. And Rabobank will do its best to help. In the Netherlands, and around the globe, Rabobank fïnances many producers and manufacturers in the food industry. Rabobank, like no other bank, knows exactly what engages and motivates the sector, understands how to help develop for the future, and provides analysis and intelligence. Although Rabobank is a financial institution, the sustainability of the international agricultural chain means everybody profits - the entrepreneur, the farmer, and perhaps most importantly, the environment. One of the partners with whom Rabobank is working to achieve a more sustainable environment is the World Wildlife Fund (WFF). Following on from previous cooperation - on the Food Agribusiness Principles, for example - Rabobank and the WWF have formed a new partnership, aimed at increasing the sustainability of the international F&A chain, and promoting renewable energy worldwide. Together, the two organisations will set up projects to demonstrate that sustainable enterprise can produce genuine economie value for the environment, local populations, companies, and financiers active in different F&A sectors, such as sugar cane, cacao and fisheries. As an internationally leading F&A bank, Rabobank will contribute its financial know-how, and in depth knowledge of the F&A sectors. The WWF will provide its expertise relating to ecosystems and their recovery. ISSUE 29 OCTOBER 20 RI WORLD

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'RI World' (EN) | 2011 | | pagina 19