The majority of thefour-hour long discussion was between usthe chairman and the CEO, uhich is about as high level as you can get TH O UGHT LEADER SHIP John Baker: Understanding the issues that keep CEOs awake at night is, for many bankers, the holy grail of cliënt relationships. However, reaching such a level of understanding requires not only an in-depth knowledge of your cliënt and their business, but also the ability to be able to offer the insight, products and solutions that can truly make a difference. According to Lex Kloosterman, Head of Wholesale Clients International, Rabobank's distinguishing feature is its deep F&A knowledge, specifically within the area of research. 'This expertise was exemplifïed recently in what we called the Thought Leadership cliënt coverage technique, which we used to great effect when we met with COFCO, a Chinese food industry conglomerate, and one of our most important clients in the region. "During the four hours on a Sunday afternoon that we spent strategising with the COFCO management team - which in itself is a tremendous amount of time to be discussing business with, among others, the chairman and CEO of a major company - we not only managed to address many of the issues that currently concern the company, but we fully connected with their strategie and fïnancial development. It was a wonderful example of the technique in use." One of the most important elements of the Thought Leader ship cliënt coverage model is thorough preparation. With key Rabobank International personnel based in different cities across Asia, including Beijing, Singapore and Hong Kong, this meant planning far in advance of what would normally be expected for a cliënt meeting. Soh Hang Kwang, CEO of Rabobank Singapore and Head of Wholesale Clients International South East Asia, explains that the team began working on the event three weeks in advance, with a number of get-togethers for those Senior Relationship Bankers (SRBs), regional Sector Heads and FAR team members working on the account. "We knew that the cliënt was interested in how we couid assist them in identifying, developing and strengthening their wide business scope. We also knew that the chairman and CEO wanted to deal specifically with strategy issues that can map the future direction of the business. So our pitch had to be much more than just a detailed sales pitch but also we needed to demonstrate our understanding of the vision and ambition of COFCO's Board of Directors. This is where our F&A thought leadership shines." ISSUE 27 MAY 201 RI WORLD

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'RI World' (EN) | 2011 | | pagina 22