POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP LAUNCHED IN INDONESIA 1 RABOBANK AND EMPLOYEES DONATE TO CHILE EARTHQUAKE CHARITIES Americas Earlier this year, Rabobank Indonesia launched two Rabobank postgraduate scholarships. The scholarships, for the 2010/2011 academie year, are aimed at SME entrepreneurs in the Food and Agribusiness sector who want to pursue a Master of Management in Agribusiness at Bogor Agricultural Institute, Indonesia. Prospective candidates will be re- quired to submit a business proposal and essay on how the postgraduate study will help them leverage their business potential.They will be judged on a range of criteria, inclu- ding their business potential, product development and promotion, and financial management skills. Rabobank Indonesia director Henk Mulder said that the scholarships will help the recipients gather more knowledge and experience in growing their business, while helping them to sharpen their business vision and strategy. In 2009, Rabobank Indonesia awarded five Rabobank undergraduate scholar ships to students at Bogor Agricul tural Institute, helping five students finish their four-year undergraduate degree. Rabobank Indonesia membuka kesempaun bagl 1 wirausaha UKM di scktor Pangan dan Agribisnis untuk mendapatkan beatiswa Magister Manajemen Agribisnlt di Program Pascasarjana Manajemen dan Bisnis Institut Pertanian Bogor (MB-IPB) Rabobank At the end of February, Chile was hit by a strong earthquake that caused substantial damage throughout the country. One of the hardest hit cities is Talca, where Rabobank has an office, and where more than 50 percent of the buildings were destroyed. Happily, no Rabobank employees were in- jured. However, many suffered damage in varying degrees to their homes and personal items, as many others in the area. In an effortto assist both Rabobank employees and others affected by the earthquake, Rabobank staff throughout the Americas were encouraged to donate to a recognised charity. Rabobank Mexico, for example, is matching all donations made by employees in the Mexico office on a 1:1 basis. The Rabobank Santiago office, meanwhile, is accepting donations from Rabobank Chile employees and will match all contributions made. Rabobank's matching dollars will be pooled into a fund. Tingkatkan potensi bisnis dengan beasiswa MM Rabobank Rabobank Postgraduate Scholarship issue 23 RI WORLD 5

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blad 'RI World' (EN) | 2010 | | pagina 5