NEW ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN IN THE NETHERLANDS 1 Rabobank International holds two-day conference The Netherlands The Netherlands Een fusie slaagt alleen als het financiële fundament klopt. Dat is het idee. Woor de fusie lussen (ileslend Loods en Camptni hedden de leden m*lk**noiideis venrhdlende wuidefupteirn /(Hls cnUftulcn ven wnrtrten ledenbewlleen en ecM«gesield>.' oMgMIn. Omi moeu een nieuw imtiumera vooi komen eeuwstjduiende leden otrflgjtiev VjoiwMide Weivooi dil die meuwe w«d)dep.S|ile4en veilwndelh.vii rouden rtjn Rabobank. ven oudstwi slrik Inde Food Agdtxismesvglnq aan de slag en stelde elch garant vooi de wthjndeftMathwd en hei laclkteten van een interne mark! En /o hielp de ene Ledenobligaties en een interne markt voor FrieslandCampina. In October 2009, Rabobank launched a new advertising campaign in the Netherlands for all markets, including the Dutch wholesale market. The campaign, entitled 'Rabobank A Bank with Ideas', highlights Rabobank's cooperative values and explains how the cooperative model distinguishes Rabobank from other banks. It focuses on the strength of the brand and the security that Rabobank's unique cooperative values provide to customers. The campaign is well received in the domestic market of Rabobank. For more information, visit the website at: Rabobank Intemational's latest two-day annual conference, held in the Netherlands last November, focused on the theme 'Linking together to make the strongest chain'. The conference's message was that each person, each business and each product has a role to play in making Rabobank the strongest link in the food chain. "Our combined effort enables us to meet the financial needs of producers, traders, processors and food retailers as well as realising our objectives to become market leader in the Netherlands and a leading F&A bank globally," executive board member Sipko Schat said. Strategy sessions focused on both Wholesale and Rural and Retail Banking. The Rural and Retail banking sessions included discussions on geographic and market developments, with participants reviewing the three business models that are available: farmer fïnance; rural banking; and International Direct Banking (IDB).To stimulate a debate on the 70 percent self-funding target of Rural and Retail banking, IDB gave a presentation on working methods and their added value in gathering funds for Rabobank's banking activities. During the Wholesale session, participants looked into how to create solutions within the Wholesale environment - such as establishing leadership, being client-led, and finding the areas of shared value in the chain. Discussions concentrated on how to take the business to the next level, with the focus on moving out of the silos, working collaboratively, and creating a sense of urgency regarding actions. Value drivers remain a cornerstone of RI's management agenda and were reflected in many presentations during the conference. The drivers are: stable income growth; cost reduction and cost consciousness; efficiënt allocation of existing and freed-up capital; managing cliënt and operational risks better to minimise provisions and expected losses; and optimising liquidity via deposit taking and appropriate pricing. For one of the value drivers - allocating capital efficiently - the conclusion during the conference was that there is capital for proposals that fit with the strategy and offer an acceptable reward in terms of risk and return. ISSUE 22 JANUARY 2010 THE WORD 7

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'RI The Word / The Word' (EN) | 2010 | | pagina 9