D 5 D BIS II Migration level planning 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Credit risk focus Working tools On schedule Client level RAROC Loan-pricing Active portfolio management Approval, pricing, performance, capital adequacy, limit setting 4. Business applications f EC/Raroc reporting 3. Embedding BISII/EC Reg/EC capital reporting III i 1.2. PD's calculated 1.1. PD's calculated IV C Regulatory 1 reporting BIS Hy AIIBISII^H models ready and used adequate to the complexity of BIS II regulations or to the ambitious EC Framework Rabobank has opted to implement. The EC Framework will give us a foundation which will refleet the true economie risk of our activities. It takes into account all risk types as well as the diversification of our global portfolio. The complexity of what we aim to achieve, also to be BIS II compliant, means the BIS II/EC program will be phased. BIS II becomes effective in 2007. But Rabobank has been at work on this program since 2001. 'The times- pan is crucial,' says Vergouw. 'You can't implement a program this complex and comprehensive overnight (see timetable). Plus, we have to give people the tools they need to do the job.' According to Vergouw, credit risk is the current focus. The system we will be using requires at least two to three years of proven use by the regulatory authori- ties. This means the basic infrastructure must be in place by the end of 2004. Th ose of you who have attended recent workshops will know that BIS II requires us to allocate a rating to each cliënt before any loan is originated. This rating allocation has to be both structured and Group-wide. In the next few months, up to mid-2003, you can expect the implementation and roll-out of a number of tools so that ratings and a Universal Client Identifi cation can be calculated and designated for each cliënt. The Moody's Financial Analyst (MFA) will replace current WinFAST and FAMAS applications currently in use in some branches - it is a crucial building block in the infra structure. All data within MFA will be stored centrally in Utrecht to facilitate knowledge share and transfer. MFA is the so-called financial engineering appli- cation. At the same time, a Credit Rating Engine (CRE) will be implemented which will help determine the Probability of Default per customer. An EC-Calcu- lator will also be rolled out. This is a spread-sheet application which will support risk assessment of a credit by comparing future EC requirements and RAROC against current solvency re quirements. Training will obviously play a significant role in the whole of this initial imple mentation. 'We piloted the roll-out in both Antwerp and Atlanta,' confirms Vergouw. 'Subsequently, we continued this phase of the program in Furope, in the US and in Singapore. So far, all has gone according to plan and we are right on schedule. There is still a lot to be done, but we started in good time and are well on track. When we complete this whole exercise, we will not only be BIS II compliant, but have a risk man agement structure in place which will increase our competitiveness in the global market.' Gommunication is a key part of the li IS II/EC program. Rabobank has a dedi- cated website BIS2.rabobank.com. On the siteyou will fittd a mass of Infor mation on BIS II. In additionthere is a regular newsletter which will keep you updated on progress. There will also be regular workshops and presentations around the network. The Word will come back to this important develop- ment regularly. 30 I Rl The Word I

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'RI The Word / The Word' (EN) | 2003 | | pagina 30