W Rabobank GROUP NEWS Demand for focus Mixed messages Brand personality Targeted appeal Rabobank wholesale's core proposition: Communication specialists within the Rabobank network include van Veggel, Tom Peijster, recently ap- pointed to Rabogroup Communica tions and Paul Mutsaers, Branding Project Manager. This team has uti- lized in-depth research and analysis, industry consultations, interviews with internal and external players, discussion and debate over the past 18 months to determine a new brand strategy that will encourage an in- crease in market share and market penetration. Purther fuelling this need to refocus Rabobank's identitv and position is the Group-wide move towards greater integration, stronger cliënt focus and better cost efficiencies. 'Our assessment of the Rabobank brand revealed that in fact, 16 dif ferent labels were in use,' says Mutsaers. 'We'd lost our grip on the Rabobank brand and were no Ionger presenting in a clear and consistent way to the market.' Cus- tomers look for solidity, consistency and clear policy in addition to inte- grated solutions for their financial issues. For this reason, it is imperative to approach target market customers verytbing we do determines the way our customers experience Rabobank, brom tbe bigger picture to the little things that make all the difference: wbat we say, what we do, what products and services we offer, wbat our envi ronments are like and bow we communicate. We have a different way. Cballenging - we continually stimulate our customers and ourselves to push houndaries and to go beyond (apparent) restrictions. Modern - we are ahead of otbers, thinking of innovative products and solutions before anybody else. Entbusiastic - we do wbat we can and share wbat we know - giving it all we've got. Professional - we are true professionals and always try to be the best at wbat- ever we are doing. Empathie - we get on tbe client's wavelength - gladly and competently. We understand each otber's potential and limitations. Self-confident - we know our oum capabilities and are proud to show what we can achieve. in a coordinated and consistent manner. 'By communicating through 16 different labels we were confus- ing customers about who we are and what we can do for thern,' Mutsaers says. 'The new brand strategy that has evolved is based on one core Rabobank brand or identity with three distinct expressions to appeal to our three target markets,' explains Peijster. The visual style of the Rabobank retail brand, Rabobank wholesale brand and Rabogroup brand has been defined to appeal, respectively, to private customers and Small to Medium Finterprises (SMF's); large companies and inter- (Seated L-R) Tom Peijster, Rabogroup Communications and Roel van Veggel, Wholesale Communications. (Standing) Paul Mutsaers, Branding Project Manager - a new coordinated approach. 'Banking to get more out ofyour business, more opportunities, better solutions - bringing it further tban you ever expected. Together we push tbe houndaries. 22 I The Word I

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

RBO8 | 2003 | | pagina 22