organization operations MANAGING BOARD IG LINES What'sNewS Insert March/April 2001 Wouter Kolff Ralf Dekker Christian Mol HenriJacquand Corporate fina •TM Sipko Schat Gerard van Kaathoven Tobeannounced F&A commodities products Complex trade structures International M&A BruceTozer Shafik Gabr Dan Hebert Administration support Operations IT infrastructure IT system development Rob Niesert Bill Padula Bernie Adamson Mike Austin •HR Mare Hoodles, Frans Versteeg Control Alison Straszewski, Eef Staring Legal Willibrord van Nierop Risk •Credit risk JaapSlotema Market risk Maarten Rosenberg Functional delivery Performance measurement How will this work in practice? 'It's quite straightforward,' continues Kolff. 'Re- gional managers have a hierarchical re- sponsibility for all staff in their regions. That includes not only relationship man agers, but also the product and support functions. The role of the regional man agers is to efficiently organize those functions for servicing customers in their regions.' So we will have similar organiza tion pictures per region (see organigram). What about the global product managers? 'Global product managers and the global administration and support managers have a functional responsibilitv for all staff in these fields. Perhaps it would be better to call these people global functional managers, because their role is to provide the highest Standard of prod ucts and support in servicing the cus- tomer.' The additional responsibility of global product managers is to manage global books and the professional rela- tionships needed to maintain adequate business volume and market position. 'That brings us to accountability,' says Kolff. 'Global books will be managed from one location. Resulrs generated by these globai books will be reported sepa- rately so that they do not affect regional budgets and P/Ls.' To ensure a spirit of teamwork, the concurrence model sets some clear guidelines for global functional managers and regional managers. Com- ments Kolff: 'On dimensions such as busi ness strategy, budget, P/L, solvency, people and compensation, our global functional (product and admin/support) managers will have to concur with regional man agers and vice-versa. From a management perspective, both are held accountable. In case of disagreement, issues will be brought to the Managing Board. Again, straightforward and very much doable.' One issue that has been a bone of con- tention for a long time is who gets the credit for business done. The new operat- ing model provides for a revised manage ment reporting system which shifts focus from product and country to performance measurement by cliënt, region and prod uct. 'Using a concurrence model has sig nificant implications for how we manage reporting within RI," says Kolff. 'If global product managers and regional managers share responsibility for a joint budget and P/L, then we need to move to product re porting by cliënt and region, and vice- versa. For regulatory reasons, we have to avoid any doublé counting. So we've in- structed control R1 to implement a sophis ticated system that will measure perform ance in a way that allows everyone to see who did what on any given transaction. We believe everyone will welcome this move and that it will inspire and stimulate the biggest success factor of all in this whole process - teamwork. That's what it's all about. Remember: teamwork is about all of us, about sharing input with colleagues so as to create the best offering for the customer and deliver it.'

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 2001 | | pagina 5