risk management Meet Rex What'sNewS Issue 1 January/February 2001 Creating the tools that will transform credit risk theory into management practice is the responsibility of Adriaan Kukler, manager of the Credit Risk Portfolio Modeling (CRPM) project. Structured around the implementation and refinement of the Rabobank Economie Capital Calculation System (REX), CRPM's ultimate aim is, according to Kukler, 'to let Rl measure the economie performance of credit assets and actively manage the portfolio.' Refined approach REX to the rescue Work in-progress Confident outlook Applications and anxieties That, however, will come only in the project's fourth and final phase. In its initial pilot phase, which began in January last year, the goals have been more mod est. 'To begin with we are concerned mainly with collecting relevant data from credit applications in order to help us re- fine the quantification of credit risk and hence the parameters of the model,' Kuk ler explains. 'The multi-phase approach will also allow people's experience to grow alongside the system.' Phase two is scheduled for Quarter 4, 2000, subject to approval and coopera- tion. 'For example, we will be looking at new sorts of limits based on calculations of economie capital, new sorts of ap- provals and new criteria for credits,' says Kukler. This phase should also see a re finement of the risk quantification methodology. Initially the system will only take into account counterparty risk. Ex- pected loss and unexpected loss figures will be calculated from the multiplication of the counterparty's default probability, the exposure and the projected recovery. In phase two counterparty risk analysis will be supplemented with information from credit admin systems, further improving accuracy of especially dynamic expo- sures and facilities. After back-testing, the system can then be used by product managers, relationship managers and account man agers for performance eval- uation. The expected loss figure calculated on a per transaction basis can also be used by control RI for its loss forecasting and reserving The quantification of portfolio concentra- tions and active credit portfolio manage ment are objectives which take the CRPM project beyond Basle's requirements. 'In the third phase, one year later, we'11 be looking to quantify the correlation effect. Then it will also be possible to calculate the marginal risk contributions of a single asset or sub-portfolio of assets in compari- son with the existing total portfolio of the bank.' In the final phase, it's hoped that the mark to market of loans can be calcu lated, enabling an accurate comparison of the internal and external price of RI's credit assets to be made. Effectively, REX will teil RI whether to keep a loan or sell it. Rolled out globally, REX will provide an overview of all the credits in the sys tem, opening the door to fully centralized portfolio management. It will also estab- lish a direct line between the origination and distribution sides of business. With the Basle committee still deliberating on the exact criteria that banks should use in making internal assessments of credit risk, is there a danger that Rl might have jumped the gun? 'Clearly, until the Basle committee finalizes its BIS II recommenda- tions, we can't be 100% certain that the CRPM system will be compliant, but let's just say our confidence level is around 99.99%,' says Kukler. 'Our target is more than what BIS II requires, it's about imple- menting best practice in the industry.' continued from page 3 portfolio correlation and reduce capital requirements. Effectively, introduction of these measures means you can improve the returns on risk at both ends of the process: on the origination side through the use of EVA and on the distribution side by reducing portfolio correlations through diversification.' The applications of this doublé sided ap proach to risk management are seemingly endless - improved risk sensitivity analysis enables sharper product pricing, a new cri teria for limit settings and exposure assess- ment and an EVA-based approach to rela tionship profitability and management. It will also provide a more accurate measure of performance of all entities within the bank. Understandably, however, the prospect of EVA-based evaluation might give rise to anxiety in some quarters - after all this new emphasis on quality rather than quantity, wouldn'r this suggest a shrinkage in bonuses? Singh believes such anxieties are groundless. 'It's a fact of hu- man nature that once you mention per formance, people start getting nervous, but the current system of only maximizing return on solvency (ROS) isn't good for anyone in the long run. We're concerned with developing the tools that will help improve individual and organizational performances by helping people make ra tiona! decisions. Once people becorne fa- miliar with them, approaching transac- tions with the true risk return equation in mind will become second nature.' ht the meantime, however, CRPM's high IT component means there's still a lot of t| work to be done on data gath- ering ar>d integration. 'We're ciirrently vvorking on phase two,' says Kukler, 'involving y the collection of outstandings and the development of inter- faces to all the production sys- tems, next to the inclusion of bank counterparties in REX. Adriaan Kukler, ensuring Initially we'11 be targeting the success of CRPM SKY database and the CRAM database for the Sundial secu- policies. ritization program. After that we'11 be go- ing from office to office to see what more needs to be done.'

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 2001 | | pagina 4