RI - into the groove
Ahead of the game
Energizing Europe
Regional focus
Monthly newsletter for Rabobank International for internat use only Issue 1 January/February 2001
The spate of deals we're carrying this issue
is a strong end to a year that was arguably
one of the most turbulent in RI's history.
But these deals also show just how good
we can be, even in times of uncertainty.
Going into 2001, as a profitable and more
than viable Rabobank International,
everyone seems ready to get down to even
more business. We're also ensuring more
structures for the way we do things. Eu-
rope is a case in point - we've talked ex-
tensively to regional head Henri Jacquand
(see page 5). He explains the realities of
operating in a highly diverse region where
no two markets are the same. But the goal
is the same - market penetration and visi-
bility along the lines of our North Ameri
can operation. In addition, we're carrying
brief overviews of a number of those mar
kets - UK, Spain, Poland, and Ireland -
just to give you an idea (see page 7).
You'11 find an in-depth piece on credit risk
management as well (page 3). Ahead of
the BIS II regulators, RI is already in the
roll-out process. Harkirat Singh provides
a masterclass in modern CRM so that
you're up to speed on what's happening
and where it's all going.
And in our next issue, we'11 be following
FAR into partnerships and exploring
South-east Asia for you. Look out for the
launch of RI's Meeting Point 1 March.
putting economie capita! theory
to practice 3 -4
building bridges in the network 5-6
successes, challenges and forecasts from
ourpeople in London, Madrid, Warsatv
and Dublin 7-9
a three-page special featuring fantastic
financial feats of year's end 10-12