Strategie update F&A at work What's in a logo? didyou know? io What'sNewS Issue 7 November 2000 lt has been four months since 60 relationship managers, product specialists and support staff met together to brainstorm on how we can carry our F&A activities to a new level of focus and excellence. We promised to keep you up to speed on progress. This report covers the most recent gathering. Muscular targets Busy year-end Meeting needs It seems to be a time for gath- erings - the M&A offsite has just finished and FAR gets to gether as we go to press (more on both next issue). For partic- ipants in the seeond F&A brainstorm session held in Maarsen, the Netherlands in October, the key issues were to monitor progress on decisions and datelines set in July and work out new action plans to carry forward the whole process. Accord- ing to Hans Megens, the results of this meeting show hard choices will have to be made. 'We need a very clear blueprint for action that has to be taken, the milestones we need to reach, and, perhaps most im- portantly, establish who is accountable for what in this evolution.' The targets set for F&A over the next five years are tough. Revenues of EUR 400 '"tr Where are RI's F&A activities going Wouter Kolfftakes the floor million, growth ra te of 12.5% CAGR, pre-tax ROE of 25% and an income/cost ra tio of 2:1 are the goals based on de- liverables which in- clude lean and ntean lending, cor rect risk pricing and origination. 'We also need to develop a distinctive value proposition,' says Megens. 'This means coming up with smart corporate fi nance solutions and creative deployment of, say, FARM, M&A and other knowl- edge-intensive prod- ucts. Basically, we need to cut fat and build muscle.' Most of you have never seen it, except perhaps in history books, but this used to be our logo... I -& 100 Banned rigorously from use almost six years ago, it seems we weren't quite as thorough as we thought - as you'11 see, this old-style logo was still being cranked out of our stamp ing machine in Hong Kong in Janu- ary this year - anybody know whether it has been changed yet? Deadlines have been placed on actions plans for all defined moves needed to achieve those targets. By I December there will be a response on the delivery of unique capabilities. Year-end has been slated for an integrated origination model involving RMs, product managers, sector specialists and support people. Another key component - cliënt segmentation and prioritization, which applies a modifica- tion of the highly successful US model - has also been slated for year-end. Simi- larly, geographic locations will be defined as white, grey and black. White is suffi ciënt scale and profitable; grey are strate gie but not yet profitably; and black is nei ther. A blueprint for this segmentation must be ready by year-end. Quarter 1 will be equally demanding for people working on implementation Facilitating a definite blueprint: Hans Megens discusses a plan of action Taking F&A to a new level - participants at the brainstorm take a moment to network and trouble-shoot programs. Product organization must be focused and an overall blueprint must be ready by the end of this first quarter. Says Megens: 'It should reflect a hub and spoke structure and we have to invest in prod- ucts.' As yet, the nuts and bolts of actual implementation of these plans and pro grams have still to be defined and clear tasks and accountability allocated. Ac- cording to Mark Lobo of Rabo India, who worked on the final presentation, the meeting was very useful in that there had been time to digest the information exchanges of July and a number of positive steps had already been taken to- wards change. 'We now have a definite plan to move this whole process along,' he commented. For FAR people, the process has really taken off in that they are far advanced on re- structuring their re search offering to mesh with airns and tar gets - see What's NewS 6/2000. InSight is also well on its way to meeting informa tion needs. Again, we'11 keep you posted as deadlines are met. TMI, or global telecom, media and Internet - was officially rec- ognized as a focus sector for R1 on 2 November. The TMI team is working on a strategy and business plan - we'11 get back to you with more in our next issue.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 2000 | | pagina 10