in brief
Full ownership
New publicotion
Number one in the
Upcoming events
new face
2 What'sNewS Issue 6 October 2000
It's official - beginning in early 2001,
Rabobank Nederland will assume
100% ownership of the Robeco Group. A
process initiated in 1997 with the acquisi-
tion of a 50% interest in Robeco, provi-
sions gave Rabobank Nederland the right
to purchase the remaining 50% front 27
February 2001. As the main stipulation -
doubling the invested asset - has been ex-
ceeded, on 29 August the Executive Board
decided to utilize this purchasing option.
In keeping with the Group's European
strategy, Robeco is positioned to become
the asset manager for European coopera-
tive banking. Robeco Finance, whose
shares are held by a number of Robeco's
investment funds, currently holds the re
maining 50%. Robeco will continue to be
the center for asset management within
the Group, following an entirely inde
pendent investment policy. The decision of
Rabobank Research's latest edition of The
Quarterly View is now available. Produced
in September, the Quarterly incorporates gen-
eral economie views on world markets and key
information on FX markets, credit markets, equity markets and fixed income
markets, focusing on the 'New Economy'. A special feature, 'The Great UK EMU
Debate', contributes to this informative new publication. Please contact Amanda
Young in Global Research by
e-mail or on +44 171 7809 3900 to order copies for you and your clients.
29 August will have positive consequences
at numerous levels - the total value of the
acquisition amount increases the intrinsic
value of these funds, which has already
occurred. Apart from this increase, noth-
ing else will change for the sharcholders.
In recognition of our integrated coopera-
tive European strategy and pioneering
role in providing web-enabled financial
services, the prestigious British magazine,
'The Banker', has presented Rabobank
the 'Bank of the Year in the Netherlands'
award. Hans Smits, chairman of the Exec
utive Board Rabobank Nederland, com-
mented: 'We are of course very pleased
when our efforts are awarded - but in the
end, it's the appreciation of our members
and clients that means the most. That is
something we have to earn again and
again, each and every day.'
Rabobank International Global Conference on
Sugar and Starch Sweeteners, Barcelona, Spain
World Juice 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
International Cotton Advlsory Committee Confer
ence, Cairns, Australia
Beginning 1 November.2000 Ralf Dekker will becotne the
newest member of the Managing Board, replacing Alain
Younes in the role of Administration. Younes will continue
in an advisory role to the Managing Board until 1 April,
2001. Dekker (43), currently CEO of Rabofacet, has
worked for the Rabobank organization since 1985, first as
external consultant and interim manager for the predecessor
of Rabobank International ('Bankzaken') and subsequently
in several management positions within the ICT organiza
tion of the Group.
Forecast 2001Utrecht, the Netherlands
Rabobank International Global Conference on Ani
ma! Proteins, Naples, Florida
For more information on F&A conferences, please
contact Martha van den Berg. Additional info on
Global Conferences and the Forecast can be obtained
from Maarten van den Bergh.
Editorial Address
Coordination Mirjam Diepenbrock, Marketing Rl
Distribution Marjolijn Benneker, Marketing Rl
Managing Editor Anne Lavelle
(TheWrite Company)
Editors Naomi Lindt, Lisa Petrie
Rabobank International Marketing, US 710
P.O.Box 17100,3500 HG Utrecht
Telephone +31 30 216 2433
Telefax +31 30 216 1976
Design tlic wrltc compan\ .Amsterdam
Lithography Zetterij Niek van Dijk, Amsterdam
Printing Drukkerij Cliteur bv, Amsterdam
Please send address changes by e-mail to
Marjolijn Benneker, Marketing Rl
What's NewS is complimentary for internal staff.
Rabobank Group yearly subscription price, NLG125