RI - working the world
1 ex.
Life-long perspective
Country focus
F&A update
iternational fQjf jntCmol U56 0 fl I ]f Issue 6 - October 2000
When you're beavering away, working on
your own and your customers' concerns,
it's easy to lose sight of what's happening
around the network. Our Asian offices
went through tough times during the 'flu'.
Thailand was especially hard hit, but it's
hitting back, as our report shows (page 6).
India is a different story. It managed to
maintain growth even during the darkest
days. Rabo India was launched with a
bang last year. We ask what happens next
on pages 4 and 5.
There's so much happening in RI, it's rare
for us to cover one of our sister compa-
nies. But Interpolis, the Group's insurer, is
■oing great things in evolving its business
from traditional assurance to a broader
package of products that meets the needs
of today's customer (see page 3 for this
We've also asked London branch for the
background on crisis management - their
BCP plan covers every eventuality. The
FAR team has been busy working on the
follow up to the brainstorm session held
in late June - we've got this story for you,
As usual, deals are hot on our final pages,
and we've got a run down of short news
for you. Look out for our next issue - we
cover the RI Global F&A Conference on
sugar and starch sweeteners in full.
Interpolis in focus 3
recent developments in India's food and
agribusiness and a market update from
our office in Bangkok 4-6
new directions in knowledge-sharing 7-9
Crisis management
BCP tells you what to do 10
wbo's doing what, where and
with wbom 11