in briet
Uncorking Latin American wine
Tokyo takes the next step
new face
Upcoming events
2 What's NewS Issue 5 August/September 2000 I
The future of new world
wine received global
attention at the Interna
tional wine seminar in
early July, an event orga-
nized by our office in Santi
ago and a leading Chilean
newspaper, El Mcrcurio.
More than 300 participants
listened to lectures on key developments
in this booming industry and, according
to Willem Wagner, general manager in
Santiago, 'virtually all important players
in the Chilean wine industry were pre
sent.' FAR's Arend Heijbroek introduced
global trends in this growing market, fo
cusing on the position of the wine indus
try in Chile and Argentina. Further pre-
sentations given by Rabobank customers
from Chile, Argentina, Spain and Aus-
tralia outlined the international potential
of new world wine, and underscored RI's
leading world position in the F&A mar
ket. Bruce Kemp, former CEO of the
Australian wine company, Southcorp,
that moved to a leading industry position
within 10 years, spoke about the impor-
tancc of understanding the rapid changes
in this market so as to adjust strategy ac-
cordingly. In Chile, this mcans taking the
next strategie step to continue growth,
both in volume and in margins; compa-
nies in Argentina are working to take ad-
vantage of the opportunities.
The extensive media attention given to the
event was an excellent opportunity for the
Santiago office to position itself as the
dedicated food and agribusiness bank in
the Chilean market. The International
On the panel: Matias Elton, Exporters and
Bottling Association; Fernando Zaratiegui,
Bodegas Principe de VianaBruce Kemp,
former CEO Southcorp: Arend Heijbroek, FAR;
Pedro Algorta, PehaflorRafael Guilisasti, Vihas
de Chile; Willem Wagner, GM in Santiago
Wine Seminar acts as a springboard for
new opportunities for RI in the global
wine market, and initiated intensive meet
ings between prospective and existing cus
tomers and members of RI's offices in
Chile, New York, San Francisco and FAR.
back row, from
left: Andy
Stubbs, Colin
Lynch, Hisao Fujiwara, Mark Curtis,
Tetsuya Motomura, Satoshi Hayakawa,
Tomohiko Oichi, Ichiro Fukuzawa, Robert
Sia; middle - Tadashi Hirata, Tatsuya
Hirashige, Paul Thompson, Yuki Nosaka,
Monique Tanaka; front - Sumie Nagano,
Akiko Sato, Yoko Takeo
On August 7, 2000 Tokyo's banking branch opened its doors. Here are a
few moments that marked the ceremony. Pictured left, deputy general
manager, Hisao Fujiwara. Below, proud members of the branch pose at
the reception
Functional Food and Beverages, London, UK
Infrastructure of the New Value-added Identity
Preserve Production Chain, Chicago, US
Asian Food Technology Fair, the Total Food Chain
Trade and Networking event for Asia
Rabobank International Global Conference on
Sugarand Starch Sweeteners, Barcelona, Spain
World Juice 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Forecast 2001Utrecht, the Netherlands
For more information on F&A conferences, please
contact Mnrtha van den Berg.
Per 4 September,
Marise S.E Voskens
joined RI as country
manager of the
Netherlands branch.
Voskens will assume
direct responsibility
for local relationship
management, local
credit, risk and other support
functions.Voskens joins RI after an
extensive career with ABNAMRO, where
she has focused on various aspects of the
international banking industry, including
both corporate and investment banking.
During her almost 20 years with AMRO
and subsequently ABNAMRO, Voskens'
former positions include vice president re
lationship management Aerospace, senior
vice president in Emerging Markets
Investment Banking, global head for
Structured Export and Multi Sourced
Finance and senior banker for financial
Editorial Staff
Coordination Mirjam Diepenbrock, Marketing RI
Distribution Marjolijn Benneker, Marketing RI
Managing Editor Anne Lavelle
(The Write Company)
Editors Naomi Lindt, Lisa Petrie
Editorial Address
Rabobank International Marketing, US 710
P.O.Box 17100,3500 HG Utrecht
Telephone +31 30 216 2433
Telefax +31 30 216 1976
Design tbc. write comptin j.Amsterdam
Lithography Zetterij Niek van Dijk, Amsterdam
Printing Drukkerij Cliteur bv, Amsterdam
Please send address changes by e mail to
Marjolijn Benneker, Marketing RI
What's NewS is complimentary for internal staff.
Rabobank Group yearly subscription price, NLG 125