contents Putting the V into business Rabobank Group profits forcast at 15% Opening bid Connectingto the future Straight talk Food for thought Deals International Whats Ne atisfied Hans Smits presented our Hrim figures to the press on 1 September, altbough he said tbat furtber improvements in efficiency and a better response to customer needs were crucial if we are to sustain growth. RI cante in for a well-deserved pat on the back as Smits told the press tbat our development is 'gratifying'. Monthly newsletter for Rabobank International for internal use o As teams of athlctes sporting Rabobank colours head for Sydney with winning on their rninds, our own RI teams are also chasing liuge goals and ambitions. Arouttd the network, groups of interna tional Rabobankers are dedicated to building the kind of e-commerce infra- structure that will be indispensible for fu ture success in the financial services mar- ket. We talk to some of them about what has been done, what still needs doing and how we can achieve it page 4/9). The future is something of a theme in this issue. A new service has just been launched to offer consultancy to partici- pants in big-ticket auctions for licences. These have become the norm in telecom and are rapidly catching on clsewhere (see page 3 for more info). Genetic modification, with it potential im pact on future generations, is another area where Rabobank has been active recently. As the first financial institution ever, the Group has released a code of conduct. It states where we stand on this burning is sue. Other hot topics, such as the ongoing merger into DGRI, are also on the agenda. In a frank interview, Rik van Slin- gelandt hammers home the multi-domes- tic concept, arguing that it offers 'pcopk the chance to be part of a first line bank in Europe' (pages 10/11). To finish, we have a round up of big deals you're going to want to know about. a new market - leveraging expertise with auction consulting 3 an update on where we're beading in the Age of the Internet 4-9 Rik van Slingelandt: goals, ambitions and tboughts on bis new role 1 o-11 sparking discussions on genetic modification 12 the latest results from bard working teams around the network 13-14

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