Developing relationship management info exchange What's NewS Issue 3 April/May 2000 3 Late April saw an important conference of Rabobank International Relationship Managers in Europe. Organized by Europe's regional management, the conference in Utrecht attracted more than 60 relationship managers and product specialists from our entire European network, as well as nearly a dozen specialist speakers. Clear upside Joint learning Transnational shift Customerlineup Truly unique Follow up Explaining that F&A remains the lynch pin for RI and RMs will play a key role in future success, Ton Toebosch com- pared that role to conducting an crches- tra. The analogy reflects the many compo- nents that come into play when working closely witli customers to meet their needs and maximize business opportunities in our target markets. He also made it clear that performance will henceforth be mea- sured according to the total revenues gen- erated by the relationship in question, ir- respective of the product or services involved. It reflects the increased under- standing that RI's cliënt business is sub- optimal. Against that backdrop, a lot of hard work has been done in the past few months by Patrick Guyver and Ben Davies on the Client Relationship Management/ InSight v2 initiative, which was launched and discussed at the conference. Standardized cliënt and knowl- edge manage ment tools will be introduced un- der this program, as well as a cliënt focused MIS. All are crucial in helping relationship bankers succeed. The findings and recommendations show that CRM, as the initiative is known, has clear upside potential and can contribute signif- icantly to the improvement of RI's cost/benefit ratio. The discussion revealed a clear front-line appetite for CRM within the business and a strong support for a fast implementation with a regional prior- ity for Europe and Asia. In the final week of June an important F&A Strategy Im plementation workshop will take place, organized by I lans Megens supported by Niek Streefkerk, Iwona Lechocka, Bruce Fozer and Harkirat Singh, with participa- tion of all RI functions around the net work. the quickly changing environment where all players in every industry are building their relations in the chain in a ntuch more fundamental way than ever before. This is just as true for F&A companies and for the relationship between compa nies and their banks. 'Two years ago, in many European countries, the name of the game for a number of RM's was to line up as many F&A relationships as possible, In this workshop the exact role of relationship management, interaction with product specialists, required skills and sys- tems, including RoS measurement sys- tems, and related investments in people and support tools like InSight will be de- tailed. Cross-border interaction and joint learning from market developments in specifk F&A sectors will be a strong focus on, in order to enable relationship bankers to maximize cliënt return on a sustained basis. Henri Jacquand (left), RI's European re gional head, was quick to take up the issue. 'We are fundamentally revantping the role of the relationship manager,' he says. 'The RM has a responsibility to play a crucial leadership role from initiation through to the delivery of a solution. This means developing a genuinely strategie relationship with our clients by "under- standing their strategie objectives and identifying ways and solutions that meet their needs.' What's more, because of the increasingly transnational nature of our European business, the ability to work with product specialists as a team will he crucial to our bottom-line success. 'The name of the game is combining local and global skills,'Jacquand told participants. This coincides with changing market pri- orities. Increasingly cliënt relationships are driven by partnering. This relates to and to offer whatever the cliënt wanted, without necessarily building a genuinely valuable strategie relationship,' Jacquand says. 'We didn't use our knowledge to dif- ferentiate ourselves in the marketplace the way we should have'. In the countries where we're not a domes- tic bank we have chosen to focus on a small number of clients who bring us a real return on solvency. We'11 deliver the truly unique, knowledge-driven products and services for which we can charge a premium. As a strategie partner, we will not necessarily provide a full range of ser vices as a result of this portfolio reposi- tioning, but rather the special ones, for in- stance cross-border deals, where we have the resources to really shine. As a follow-up to this conference, Ton Toebosch took direct Board ownership of the CRM/InSight v2 initiative. While the initial focus will be on F&A, Hans Me gens and the F&A Strategy Implementa- tion/Business Planning and CRM/InSight teams will have daily management respon sibility for the respective components. Re gional Management will be actively in volved with a fast track rollout, focusing on Europe and Asia in the first stage. What's NewS will be following develop ments closely and reporting back to you in every issue.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 2000 | | pagina 3