Weighing up counterparty risks Black and white commitment millennium Uèii ON PM II What'sNewS It's all very well for the Rabobank Group to be on top of impending Y2K threats, but what about our clients? Naturally, the domino-effect of our clients fading millennium compliance has the potential to inflict huge credit risk. At least that was the motivation behind the recent survey sent to all Rl offices, the results of which sketch a fairly accurate picture of where our customers stand, and how far they still have to go to achieve Y2K compliance. According to Bert Sperna Weiland, millennium coördinator global credit risk management, in ternts of credit risk awareness within our net- work, we're well on track. 'One of the resounding conclu- sions from the recent survey was that, in fact, most offices have indeed taken action in investigating just how much of a threat their corporate clients actually are.' Although Weiland stresses that the far from concrete information gathered provides only an impression, 'in terms of credit risk the overall number of clients not yet sufficiently millennium-prepared is an approximate 10 percent. But that is not to say the remaining 90 percent are,' he continues. 'There are three distinct groups: the 10 percent who are posing a risk at the moment, around 65 percent who are cleared as being sufficiently prepared and a remaining 25 percent who are still hovering in a grey area. As follow-up, an indication of the amount of exposure we have at risk will soon be calculated. Also, the identified 10 percent falling into the high risk bracket, expected to be made up mostly of small and medium sized clients, is where we will be maximizing our efforts.' Also as part of the follow-up, updates must be reported by the global credit risk depart- ment to the Dutch Central Bank by May. As far as bank ing analysis goes, the jury is still out. Conclusions follow- ing an inventory of bank iimits per country is in draft form and is currently with relation- ship managers for a reaction. 'Following this final phase of the investigation,' concludes Weiland, 'bank Iimits may need to be reassessed by the banking committee.' As published last month, RI eco nomie research has produced a study breaking down specific countries and their predicted millennium compliance. For further credit risk information, or for copies of the study, contact your local millennium coördinator or the millennium program helpdesk on tel. +31 30 216 6888 or email fm.global. millennium infodesk. Proving our commitment to not only our customers but also to beating the millennium bug, a recently circulated cliënt letter pledged our dedication to Y2K compliance and stated this commitment in black and white - literally. The Ietter, intended to put clients' minds at rest, even goes so far as to promise that 'we can continue with an undisturbed delivery of our services before, during and after the turn of the century.' According to the cliënt statement, 'Rabobank International initiated thorough investigations to determine which parts of its business operations might be affected by the year 2000 issue.' It has also made a project plan and time Schedule under which to address the related concerns. The current prognosis is good - all year 2000 issues will be addressed in time. Reiterating the fact that in reality solutions to the millennium bug do not lie with Rabobank alone, the statement also realistically sites potential out-of-our- control bottlenecks. 'As the current status suggests Rabobank International will have solved potential year 2000 problems in time. However, no guarantee can be given due to our dependence on external parties such as telecommunication companies and power suppliers,' the letter states. 'In order to be optimally prepared for potential problems, Rabobank International is developing contingency plans which will allow delivery of services with as few disturbances as possible.' And the millennium program (RI's global millennium project team) is confident we can stick to our cliënt promise. The year 2000 compliance statement is found in public folders/2000 millennium/info general/project management information. ri r* Ls\ W n 4-/~% r* mnn April 9 September 9 December 30 December 31 Translated as 9999 in Julian calendars and many computers use this code as 'end input' Translated as 9999 in Gregorian calendars and many computers use this code as'end input' Last working day for many businesses Lastdayin 1999 January 1 Start year 2000 January 3,4 First working day for many businesses January 10 First working day with a 7-digit field of date January 31 End of first month in year 2000 February 20 Leap day March 31 End of first quarter in year 2000 October 10 First working day with 8-digit field of date December 31 End of year 2000

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1999 | | pagina 11