F&A Beefing up Synergizing expertise Key advantages 8 What'sNewS Issue 3' March 1999 (Continued from previous page) product into the United States, and using their marketing power to place it on US supermarket shelves. Another is a tendency towards further concentration, both in the US and internationally; these and other developments have opened up important opportunities for Rabobank International (RI). 'No competitor offers the same kind of focus and global expertise in the wine sector as we can. Even if we don't try to offer local financing and depository arrangements, for instance, we're still appreciated as a boutique that can offer not just traditional forms of credit but also creatively structured off-balance sheet deals, leasing and other corporate finance products, and also risk and opportunity assessments that directly meet our client's needs. Since we're also perceived to have the intellectual overview, we've been able to develop close relationships with at least half of the 25 big wineries that control 90 percent of the market in the US.' Beef, while a highly fragmented industry traditionally geared to high volume production, is also changing and offering opportunities as well. 'American producers, just like those around the world, face stagnant consumer demand,' says Bruce Baccus of our Dallas office. 'This is partly due to the fact that consumers have less time to prepare meat in the time-consuming ways that best bring out its flavour. And because of the structure of the industry, market signals have been slow to find their way back to producers. This is gradually changing. There is a trend towards more integration, in terms of alliances, and also a tendency among some players to push into specialized products that involve more processing and are more consumer-friendly in terms of preparation. The industry is also further intensifying its efforts to market product abroad. What all of this means for us is that we can follow the industry up the value chain and upgrade the value-added component in the range of products and advisory services we offer. These increasingly include trade finance, structured finance, foreign exchange, and derivatives - above and beyond the traditional bread-and-butter credits. Another important competitive tooi has been the quality of our research. The latest food and agribusiness research report on the beef industry really underscored our insight into the sector on a global scale, which in turn helps when our customers start to think ahead in strategie terms for more on this report see end of this articleThey conté to us because they know none of our competitors can offer this kind of expertise. This is probably one reason why we're leading this market in US.' The advantage of a sectoral focus, with specialists located physically close to large clusters of clients, is thrust into the foreground at times when it comes to managing particularly complex deals. For example, we were recently able to rapidly structure a transaction for a leading US poultry producer called GoldKist that effectively gave our cliënt advance access to the proceeds of a pending deal. This cante at a point in the business cycle when the poultry sector was caught in the doldrums and other banks were loathe to take the plunge. Says Bucklin: 'This was a good example of sector knowledge at work: the fact that we intimately knew the company and understood its requirements at a detailed local level, that we could also relate these details to the cyclical position of the industry as a whole, and that we were then able to design and execute an appropriate transaction rapidly by synergizing expertise from all around our world network. We could move where others couldn't because we had the capacity and we understood the big picture.' 'Being consistent and quick to get to our clients with solutions is the name of the competitive game,' Bucklin continues. 'We're increasingly seeing more cases where we're getting into deals as a direct result of our industry knowledge, our understanding of the risks and oppor tunities within the given sectors, and our ability to plug local developments into a global context. Having directed the talent of some two dozen relationship managers towards the eight individual sectors within F&A, we find there's an emerging perception on the US market that if Rabobank is involved in an F&A deal, then it must pass muster. That's a direct result of knowledge, focus, and expertise. So, when people say knowledge is our key competitive advantage, this is a good example of that concept in practice. It shows how, if you organize your knowledge efficiently, you can really turn the heat up on your competitors. If we do our jobs right, it will be very hard for the others to catch up.' lnternal reports 'Positioning Paper on Beef' and 'Factor Analysis' are availahle free of charge from Martha van den Burg of FAR (tel. +31 30 216 1178. fax+31 30 216 1920). Market study 'The World Beef Industry' is availahle from marketing Rl at an internal cost of NLG 75 (tel. +31 30 216 2804, fax +31 30 1976). Bob Bucklin, head ofUS corporate banking

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blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1999 | | pagina 8