f knowledge management I i Putting knowledge to work What'sNewS Issue Building tools Serving clients Deeper knowledge Performance measures at the Netherlands branch Education Research/Experience A Rabobank/Client Interface 12* December 1998 applies when it comes to building knowledge and its subsequent management - it has to be organized as close to the customer as possible. We've put this into a chart and I think the most striking thing in this chart is the two-way street between us and our customers. Don't forget, the cliënt has a considerable amount of knowledge that also can be of Hans Megens of the Utrecht knowledge management team use to us. But it has to be reciprocal. And to get that knowledge to them, you have to put structures, facilitating structures, in place. Basically, that is what we've tried to do here in Utrecht.' The chart shows clearly that there are two distinct inputs into the knowledge - one is education, such as the international relationship managers course created last year and other skill-building courses, usually for front officers. The other source is the cluster of research and other information generating groups, such as APFT/FAR, equity research and so on. 'One of the keys to bringing all these things together is the so-called Renaissance project whicli is actually called Insight,' Megens says. 'This is the sort of system we need to ensure people have the tools, i.e. the information and knowledge, they need to give customers the best service. In addition, we have also come up with another way to show customers what we can do for them. It is currently called the Utrecht knowledge advancement team (UKAT), but l'm sure the name will change once this team gets down to work.' The idea behind this team is very much on a par with the market core team approach - which, by the way, has already been adopted on a European scale. 'The UKAT team's role is to provide our relationship managers with an additional tooi,' Megens explains. 'In the past, a credit-driven banker would be expert in that product and would be able to handle most cliënt contacts and requirements single-handed, or with some support. Today, we have so many products, many of them extremely complex, that you cannot expect relationship managers to know everything about all of them. Nor can you expect him or her to know everything about every single market sector in F&A or other sectors we work in here in the Netherlands. So what we have done is created a team of people who can bring together all the knowledge a relationship manager needs to have in order to service his customer.' Again, Megens stresses the need to organize around the customer. The new team, which is headed up by Peter Spitters, will be able to create customer In the past year, new performance criteria have been introduced for personnel appraisal in Utrecht. These are divided into four quantitative, or hard, and four qualitative (soft) elements: Qualitative dient satisfaction knowledge team work innovation Quantitative netprofit solvency use credit risk score cross selling/product mix presentations based on research and knowledge. They will compile it together with the relationship managers and product specialists into a form that will show the customer what we can do for them. We did similar presentations for Cargill and Continental. They proved very useful. We are then able to give our vision of the sector, the competition, what finaneial needs we perceive in that customer. Basically, this team represents a deepening of our broader knowledge on products, markets and corporates. And even more basically, it shows to our customers that we truly are a knowledge- driven bank. And isn't that want we aitvM to be?' Harvard/Nijenrode Courses: RMs Renaissance/ APFT Knowledge Management Project UKAT APFT/FAR Budget in Process Sss> (1% per yr) Specihc courses Slack capacity I in organization I L_ Market CTs meetings f s' Product departments Equity research v 'V. Health care research External network/internet Fin. Markets research RaboCare Team

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blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1998 | | pagina 14