On the road in Western Europe C ApFT WHAT'S NewS Issue 3 March 1998 strategy 5 CORPORATE FINANCE •ourth, complementing our Investment anking initiative, is the development of our Corporate Finance strategy. Many of our activities here, such as project finance, are still largely balance-sheet driven. While this business remains important, it is also clear that we cannot be all things to all customers. The aim is to build an innovative, cross-border, product-led wholesale capability in selected areas where we can reach critical mass and clearly- defined levels of profitability. Strategie and high value-added products include Mergers Acquisitions (M&A) plus Strategie Advisory, Acquisition Finance, Structured Finance, Syndication and Trade Finance. RISK AND ADMINISTRATION Fifth and sixth on the list are Administration and Risk Management, ^■espectively. Our Customer Focus Strategy ^tias far-reaching administrative implications that will have to be implemented by specific, rapid, and streamlined operational means. Administration must be further professionalized and aligned with business MAIN OBJECTIVE In line with customer focus, the main objective of the roadshow is to prove to major Western European F&A clients and prospects that Rabobank can provide sustainable value through our niche F&A knowledge, intensive value added financial operations in corporate finance and investment banking, as well as expertise in targeting potential F&A project finance transactions in emerging economies. Adding strength to the roadshow is the addition of corporate finance and investment banking colleagues from all regions of the world. The underlying message the roadshow intends to deliver is simple: demonstration to Western European contpanies that Rabobank can put together effectively integrated cross- ^Junctional teams that are proven capable analyzing and executing dynamic business opportunities. CAREFUL SELECTION True, any roadshow will have to remain under the 'one team/one P&L' concept. As for Risk Management, our procedures need to be further streamlined, credit risk methods upgraded to account for our increasing role as an intermediary, and procedures agreed for the management of regional crises such as recently occurred in Asia. HUMAN RESOURCES The Customer Focus strategy also depends crucially on the inspired management of our financial, informational, and human resources. Hence the priorities numbered seven - Information and Communication Technology, eight - Human Resources, and nine - Audit Compliance. In a complex and interdependent global web, an efficiënt transfer of data and the open exchange of knowledge is quite literally the lifeblood of our organizational wealth. The challenge is to insure that our common systems, which are designed to help us serve our customers in better and more inspired ways, are also implemented in a coherent and cost-effective manner. The same applies to the use of our Human somewhat generic in its expertise profiling when addressing groups of customers. But, by careful selection of invited customers and prospects, APFT hopes to minimize such generalities as much as possible. However, for important customers, tailor-made presentations will be given along the lines of the recent Cargill presentation (see page 3). According to Nick Streefkerk, 'such custom made presentations, along with our consistent reputation and visible track record are the best instruments to get Rabobank on the "CEO" agenda of major F&A companies in terms of investment banking and corporate finance business.' ISOLATING TRENDS Specific topics to be addressed during the roadshow presentations include isolating new global, regional, national and sectoral trends in terms of the production, marketing, distribution and consumption of F&A products. Following the groundwork, the team will consider the Resources: 1998 will see the introduction of a single new internal title structure - the functional approach, the application of the 'performance for the future' process, the introduction of management development audits on a broad scale, and important performance-related adjustments to the remuneration plan. Meanwhile, Audit Compliance, a critical success factor in the full management cycle, is being reconceived so that new, global standards will apply throughout the network. The underlying concept is that 'what gets measured gets done.' COST CONTROL This leads to the tenth and final priority: all of these initiatives must be strictly carried out within the solvency constraints and budgets agreed. 'Cost control will be a major issue in 1998,' Arnold continues. 'It is up to all of us to show that we can stick to the cost budgets as approved.' The first and foremost theme for 1998, he concludes, is that 'our customer is the top priority.' generic strategie business implications for the F&A sectors and, within this, the opportunities for Rabobank. Demonstrating customer focus, the roadshow will also take the time for cliënt recommendations in relation to globalization, change in regulatory environments (trade liberalization and food safety in particular) and far reaching bio technological change. PARALLEL MEETING Completing the picture and running alongside the APFT roadshow, is a meeting scheduled 28 April for general managers from our Western European network. As global F&A business manager Peter Greenberg explains, 'in order to energize our cliënt intimacy in Western Europe, knowledge must begin on the ground and in close consultation with general managers involved.' The meeting is seen as icing on the roadshow's cake, as general managers will be addressing our specific F&A marketing focus along with our overall challenge in the region - namely, market penetration extending beyond APFT and into all our functions, including investment banking and corporate finance. For more information or suggestions regarding the roadshow, please contact Martine Boon of the agri project finance team in Utrecht. Our agri project finance team (APFT), in collaboration with colleagues from corporate finance, investment banking and F&A research, is planning a Western European roadshow running between 14 and 24 April.The presentation is a follow up to APFT's successfully pioneered USA roadshow last year, only concentration this time will be on Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, Ireland and the Netheriands.

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