INDONESIA ON THE MOVE WHAT'S Nf.wS Issue 2 February 1998 investment banking 5 with trading in new markets can be Émitigated with strategies that take info ^^ccount their higher fluctuations. This is where you need your colleagues in other global product areas? Yes, when it comes to emerging markets you must have a truly integrated approach in this business. So we will effectively have joint ventures, such as money market and fixed income and we will create a global emerging markets team where there will be representatives front all these product groups working together to build opportunities for the whole network to use. How are you going to deliver the products? The relationship managers in each region will have access to sales forces assigned to cover that region. This will be the first point of contact. It will be the ^^esponsihility of our sales people to introducé the relationship managers to product specialists. These will be new sales people coming in? Not necessarily. Some will be existing personnel. As I mentioned before, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the organization that existed in the bank, it was merely inadequate to the kind of competition we will be facing in an industry that is in continuous turmoil and in feverish search of ever-better and ever- higher returns. The vast majority of the forex market is dominated by global investor flows, a business that we still have to develop on a world-wide scale. This is where most of the new hires will be concentrated, especially outside Holland - ^jhe US, the UK and Asia, which are the ^Phree largest markets where institutionals are located and, of course, Tokyo down the road. What you are saying is that our relationship manager wherever he or she may be located will probably be dealing with familiar faces who also know the core F&A and health care businesses? That's right. What we want to ensure is that within the two distinct customer bases - global investors and corporate clients - there is a continuous cross fertilization. Within F&A or any other sector where large corporates operate, you have the need to monitor continually and understand the implications of fluctuations in markets on your business. And some of the issues facing investors »aday are similar to those facing large orporations. So real integration within these distinct sales forces is very important. There has to be a constant exchange of information, ideas, so that we piek up on any strategy applied in one segment that can also perhaps apply to another. We're looking for ways to benefit the cliënt. And clients usually like to know you are servicing more than their segment; that you have expertise in others. They want to know how other segments perceive the markets, trends, etc. So the only thing that is actually going to change for our relationship manager is that the range of products and the level of expertise and knowledge to support them will be much greater? Yes, because he or she is part of a much greater team. We believe that in the area of corporate finance, there are tremendous opportunities for us. Besides day-to-day needs of a lot of these corporates are more strategie needs. If a corporate today is going to make a cross-border acquisition, there are always currency and interest exposures to take care of. One of our goals is to create a group of specialized advisors which can work very closely with the corporate finance people to provide additional expertise. This will ensure that if Rabobank is mandated for an M&A deal, we are covering it from all sides. Is the new strategy going to make it all a lot more challenging and exciting for existing staff and new hires coming in? Absolutely, there are two great opportunities here that come to mind. We will be able to expose people to a much wider range of products. And a much more diversified cliënt base than ever before because we are moving from the local trading concept towards the more global universal approach which requires coverage around the world. We will open a much stronger line of communication within all these centres. The kind of top cliënt service we have in mind demands great communication. There will be regular seminars for our clients, there will be internal conferences at off sites so our people get to know each other and come up with strategies that are tailor made for specific customer groups. There will be opportunities for people to move around the network. We have already started by offering people in Utrecht positions in London, that's only the start. I am a great advocate of training for sales and trading people - and rotating staff around the network. To ensure team spirit and an integrated approach are maintained. This is a people business, we have to have people thinking cross-border. The burning question now is: When? We will spend the first half of 1998 on completing the hiring and putting in place the infrastructure, which is a priority for me. Before attracting the right talent, we have to have an infrastructure in place to allow this increased level of professional activity to flourish. The real test for us will be 1999. Rabobank Duta Indonesia and Rabo Finance Indonesia moved to a new office, which was officially opened on 17 December last year. Although the new office is in the same building (9th floor), a lot of work was involved to get everything organized.The result is there: a modern and better organized office with room for future growth. Dutch Minister of Economie Affairs Wijers doing the honours. On bis left Mr. Muchtar Mandalapresident commissioner of RFI, behind him Chris Mol and at bis right Mr Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti, president commissioner of RDI.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1998 | | pagina 5