ABP Future Focus WHAT'S NewS Issue 4 April 1997 working relations 3 'Taking the trouble to get to know the customer, and understand his needs and aims - this is one of the most important characteristics of a professional partner in the financial services market,' according to Paul Spijkers, Managing Director of Fixed J X Income investments for giant Dutch pension fund ABP (Algemeen f O Burgelijk Pensioenfonds), capital market, Rabobank is an important partner for us for our activities in a number of sectors. In the first place, these include place private loan placements, in which Rabobank has a strong position thanks to its extensive contacts in the capital markets. These loans are an important part of our fixed income portfolio because of the premium interest rates that they command, compared with government and public-sector bond ABP's Paul Spijkers: opportunities through increasing international focus. With almost USD 100 billion in fixed income investments, out of a total portfolio value of some USD 140 billion, ABP rates as the world's second-largest pension fund. The Heerlen based pension fund's primary task is to ensure that long term pension liabilities to over a million public-sector employees will be met. ^ollowing its privatization two years ago, the organization is gradually broadening its traditionally conservative investment approach, seeking to increase returns while at the same time managing risk at acceptable levels. Paul Spijkers: 'Formerly we were effectively restricted to operating on the capital market in the Netherlands, with a strong emphasis on government bonds and other public-sector debt, virtually all of it denominated in Dutch guilders. But now we are in an active process of diversification and internationalization, which means a broadening not only in terms of countries and currencies, but also in terms of asset categories.' MAJOR PLAYER achieve these long-term objectives, it's obvious that we need a broad cross- section of financial services partners with in-depth expertise in their specialist fields. As one of the major players in the Dutch DERIVATIVES 'Apart from that, Rabobank has a strong position in instruments like swaps and other derivatives. For example, they recently helped us set up our own in-house derivatives department.' 'Reliability, creditworthiness and size of financial institutions are crucial issues for us, because of the scale of our investment transactions,' Spijkers emphasizes. 'That's why these are our basic selection criteria, which effectively leaves us with a short-list of only the best-qualified banks with the highest credit ratings. Without a doubt, Rabobank's Triple-A rating is a strong qualification. But we also have our own credit analysis team to provide us with a much deeper insight into the status of our partners than those ratings and key financial data alone.' RESPONSIVENESS 'As well as these quantifiable selection parameters, we use a number of other indicators, some of which are more subjective in nature. For example, the profile and expertise of the team that handles our business and their responsiveness to our needs.' 'My experience of the Rabobank team is that they take the trouble to understand our strategy and objectives, and put that knowledge into practice in our working relationship. That means they have the ability to come up with propositions that are accurately focused on our investment profile and aims, which saves us a lot of time. In addition, lines of communication are short and direct, which makes it easy to get hold of the information we need.' GLOBALIZATION Looking towards the future, what opportunities and developments does Paul Spijkers see for ABP? 'Together with the broadening investment profile I've already referred to, we are seeing a globalization of the world's investment markets. This increases the liquidity of all kinds of instruments, making them more attractive for large-scale institutional investors like ABP. While at present only some 2% of our total fixed income portfolio is invested outside the Netherlands, I expect this proportion to increase significantly by 2000.' 'Plus of course the developments which are taking place within Europe itself. As we approach EMU, we will see a tremendous enlargement of the potential capital market which can be accessed without foreign-currency exposure. And there will also be a convergence of the long-term interest rates - which at present still vary considerably between the individual countries. These factors will open-up a much broader market without increasing the overall risk.' Because of these developments, an increasing international focus will be an even more important asset for our partners in the future. Next to its leading position in the Dutch capital market, Rabobank undoubtedly has the critical mass and professionalism to achieve a stronger international profile as far as ABP is concerned; perhaps that's one of the directions in which the relationship could develop in the future.' ABP IN DE GROEI Het Heerlense ABP is inmiddels het op één na grootste pensioenfonds ter wereld. Directeur Paul Spijkers vertelt over het proces van diversificatie en internationalisatie waar het ABP nu al even mee bezig is.'We verbreden niet alleen als het gaat om landen en valuta's, maar ook in termen van soorten activa. Rabobank is een belangrijke en sterke partner.'

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1997 | | pagina 3