10 worldwide WHAT'S NewS Issue 4 AprlM997 region in the process of huge changes. 'Just five years ago there was no private investment in the former 'Eastern Bloc', everything was still entirely state-owned and our economies were central- command based. Now, the market here has gained huge momentum and 50% of GDP is created by the private sector. In this relatively short period of time the region has undergone serious restructuring. The challenge for APFT is to be flexible enough to anticipate this rapidly changing market.' According to Sandomierski, the pattern of investment has also changed. 'If you go back five years, then you see our involvement was more in high margin products, projects which concentrated on the final stages of processing and which were low investment areas. By that I mean the packaging and distribution stages. So to keep pace with change, APFT has cooperated with industry, all the way along the production chain. This has led to more involvement at commodity level, which is the core of food and agri-processing. For example, one more recent project financed the processing of sugar into confectionary. A couple of years ago, our role would have been more in the processing of semi-products, i.e. the last stages of packaging Six On the road team members together with some managers of American F&A sector companies. amply demonstrated the bank's capabilities. AT THE FOREFRONT 'Most of the clients still saw Rabobank as a lending machine,' says Streefkerk, 'with maybe a trickle of trade finance. But they were not aware of the fact that we had competence in all areas of corporate finance in the food and agri business. So it was a very effective form of communication. This road show, for me, was an example of how we can build up a much better food and agri business corporate finance machine. It wasn't a selling tooi but a marketing tooi - we were simply trying to make 4 companies aware of our existence. Clearly, there is a market out there in strong, mature F&A countries like the US for the kind of value added services we can offer - in fact, actual propositions for projects are already coming in now as a result of the roadshow. This is where we, as a specialized, global food and agribusiness bank, should be - at the forefront of F&A financial structures and services.' at the right time. Our role in this region is not limited to delivering credit. We are increasingly seen as a provider of knowledge and expertise in F&A. The development process is ongoing at a rapid pace here and we feel we can help speed it up.' ON THE ROAD While the team is unanimously quick to point out just how strong its team work and its know-how is, APFT appears to have been hiding its light under a bushel when it comes to the US. It appeared that few of the bank's numerous F&A customers in this important market for potential investors in emerging countries were aware of just how good we are in this area (let's forget the bank's usual tendency to play down our achievements for a moment). In January of this year, six team members took to the road, visiting over 35 American F&A companies, to spread the APFT word. The objective was to make Rabobank the preferred choice in the American F&A sector and to market the team's broad-based skills. According to Streefkerk, it was a useful APFT flag-waving exercise and Thomasz Sandomierski the confectionary for the local market.' COMPETITIVE EDGE No one doubts the potential of Central and Eastern European markets and no one questions the fact that this is an enormous market. Now, APFT is looking for projects which may have a competitive advantage. For example compared to Western Europe, the meat industry in the region offers low production costs without the environmental problems prevalent in the west. 'As a result,' confirms Sandomierski, 'both Dutch and Danish companies are starting to show an interest here. Another growth area is the potato processing industry. APFT has managed to be here VERANDERINGEN BIJBENEN BIJ OOSTERBUREN In Oost- en Centraal-Europa speelt het team in op de grote veranderingen van de afgelopen jaren. 'Nog maar vijf jaar geleden was^ alles nog centraal geleid,' zegt Tomasz Sandomierski.'Nu heeft de markt een enorme groeisnelheid. De uitdaging waar wij voor staan: flexibel genoeg zijn om te anticiperen op de snelle veranderingen.'Het APFT zoekt projecten die wellicht een concurrentievoordeel bieden. Groeimarkten zijn bijvoorbeeld de vleesindustrie en aardappelverwerking. In de VS maakten zes teamleden een rondreis langs 35 Amerikaanse F&A ondernemingen. 'De meeste klanten zagen de Rabobank als een leenmachine/zegt Niek Streefkerk. 'Ze wisten niets van onze competentie in bedrijfsfinancieringen op alle gebieden van de Food Agribusiness.'

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1997 | | pagina 10