/Vhat's Luxembourg Luxembourg - SMALL IS SMART UPPLEMENT FOR WHAT'S NewS —JANUARY 1997 The tiny dot of a country wedged between Germany, France and Belgium may be landlocked, but it has still managed to build a powerful reputation as an 'offshore' and private banking centre. All the big names are there - in the Grand Duchy's one and only city, also Luxembourg. And so, of course, is Rabobank. What's NewS goes visiting to find out why in financial terms small is very smart. jean-Pierre Van Keymeulen 'I think the size of the country and the kind of flexibility that goes with "small" has a lot to do with Luxemhourg's success as an international financial centre,' says our general manager on the spot Jean- Pierre Van Keymeulen. Almost 10 percent of the work force, many of whom are foreigners, work in the financial sector at the 220 hanks (1995). 'As a comparison, the figures were 3 percent and 37 in 1970. That rapid growth has everything to do with government recognition of how important the services sector is for the country's prosperity; Luxembourg has the highest Standard of living in the world and we want to keep it that way. But the Grand Duchy has few natural resources - coal and steel are the main industries along with agriculture. This explains the strong focus on a thriving services sector.' RAPID RESPONSE The key to its success has everything to do with size and attitude. Because the country is small and not weighed down with massive bureaucracy, it is able to respond rapidly to changes in European and international legislation to create the kind of environment where offshore and private banking can flourish. However, the authorities here also ensure that environment is subject to strict regulation. So it is hardly surprising that Luxembourg has been highly successful as a centre for international private banking - and increasingly as an insurance and reinsurance centre. 'We may not have the longstanding reputation of Switzerland,' says Van Keymeulen, 'but a banker here said recently that if Switzerland is the Rolls Royce of private banking, then Luxembourg is definitely the Mercedes.' BUILDING NET WORTH You may be forgiven for wondering if this 'special' is going to turn into an overview of the Luxembourg economy. While Van Keymeulen and his whole team are willing and even eager to talk, the one thing they don't really want to talk about is clients. 'We're private bankers, you see,' says Ed Schaeken, head of personal banking. 'It wouldn't be very discrete to discuss our clients with anyone outside the team here. Let me just say this: the majority of our clients are typically the kind of ex- patriates who are building up their net worth, although the relationship managers down FINANCIEEL CENTRUM Luxemburg staat bekend als financieel centrum met name op het gebied van private banking en offshore producten. Sinds de jaren 70 zijn ook de investment funds in Luxemburg sterk ontwikkeld. Dienstverlening staat hoog in het vaandel, meer dan 10% van de werkende bevolking werkt bij een van de 220 banken die hier gevestigd zijn. Ook verzekeringen, vooral levensverzekeringen, is een groeiende markt. NETHERLAND LUXEMBOUR FRANCE BELGIUM GERMANY

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1997 | | pagina 7