international expansion WHAT'S NewS Issue 1 January 1997 Karoly Felkl, EDP manager: 'ifthis is the Rabo culture, then we love it already'. freedom they gave us was tremendous. We were given resources - and restraints,' he laughs. 'But it was up to us to get the best possible system. That was so helpful, especially as our team was so new. If this is Rabobank culture, then we love it already.' CASH-BASED ECONOMY Unlike most international branches, the Budapest system also has to handle current accounts. 'This is mainly a cash- based country,' explains controller Gabor Trenyik. 'So the system we selected had to be able to book and monitor every kind of transaction.' Hungary is certainly one of the best achievers in Central Europe. But it still has some way to go before plastic takes over trom cash. 'Some of our ^^bustomers will be paying salaries in cash, so we have to offer them a current account facility if only for that reason,' says Vissy. 'People here expect their bank to provide the full range of services. Clearly, cash management - international DE BANK IN BOEDAPEST De vertegenwoordiging in Boedapest is uitgegroeid tot een kantoor.Tweeëneenhalve maand lang werd hard gewerkt aan de voorberei dingen om het kantoor operationeel te krijgen en op 15 november vorig jaar kwam de officiële bankvergunning binnen. Het team staat voor een zware taak. De concurrentie op de Hongaarse markt is groot en de bedrijven, die meestal maar met twee of drie banken zaken doen, verwachten een volledig pakket diensten te kunnen afnemen. F.l.t.r. Judit Kozak, Controller Gabor Trenyik and Maria Wind. Dominic Terberg Gabriella Evinich goes live, they can sit back - albeit momentarily - and congratulate themselves on a job well done. 'But this is only the start,' Maria says almost gleefully. 'We can't wait to get the first accounts going and we're expecting to be kept very busy.' Just how busy the team will be depends very much on the commercial department's efforts. At present, Budapest is working on its business plan - more on that at a later date. However, this is an exciting, though overbanked, market where opportunities are abound, also in neighbouring countries. cash management is somewhere in the future as the Forint is not yet fully convertible - cash pooling, electronic banking, and a current account are all part of that full range. Even very big customers tend to have no more than two or three bank relationships, so you need to offer everything, including the finest treasury products. I remember most of my colleagues at the operations managers meeting last spring were astonished when I said we'd be doing current accounts. But we need them, they act as an entry product for a customer.' READY AND WAITING Now the operations scene is set, it is down to the commercial people to bring in the customers. 'We're ready and waiting', say Judit Kozak and Maria Wind, who handle the customer services and documentary payments side of operations and have just finished testing their procedures. It has been a tough few months for the whole team, but as each segment of the system

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1997 | | pagina 5