/n:v.rdti in Singapore Official Opening South Africa F&A CONFERENCE 10 short news WHAT'S NewS Issue 11 November 1996 The conference in Singapore The outlook for Food Agribusiness in Southeast Asia' was a great succes. Organized in cooperation with the University of Singapore, it offered an impressive panel of distinguished speakers and attracted more than 260 CEO's and CFO's from food and agribusiness corporations all around Asia. As one of them remarked: 'the speeches were very informative and the meeting provided a perfect opportunity to network with other colleagues and competitors around the world'. Henk Visser hosted the pre-conference banquet. He presented guest FOD BECOMES NSD In our August issue, we reported the demise of the Foreign Offices Department.The idea at that time was to absorb its various tasks into other departments. However, after further consideration it turned out during this dynamic reorganization process this team will play an important role in the whole networking process between the offices (including Utrecht). And another in supporting the 3 members of the managing board who are responsible for the offices. And last but not leat they are the liaison officers for all matters regarding the Rabobank Organization other than those for which specific head office functions have been created. SRM - UPDATE One decision taken at the Task Force meeting is the creation of senior relationship management (SRM).'We believe this is of vital importance to the successful implementation of the client- focus strategy,' says Robin Bargmann. 'End of November was deadlined for submission of candidates.Clearly,general managers and members of the offices management teams can also carry out the role of SRMs whereas members of the executive board of Rabobank Nederland and members of the managing board of Rabobank International should be available to act as account executives at the highest possible levels. However, we also need SRMs whose primary focus is SRM.The most important skills are his/her ability to identify opportunities for Rl worldwide to deliver customer value and to mobilize all the necessary resources within Rl to make that happen.' It's a tall order.Standards have been set purposely high. After all, our clients deserve the best. Robin Bargman: 'Senior relationship manager is of vital importance for our client-focus strategy.' of honour Mr. Lim Hng Kiang, Minister of National Development, the first issues of two major studies. These studies 'Capital Structure of Listed F&A Corporations in Southeast Asia' and 'The Outlook for F&A in Southeast Asia' are authored by the University of Singapore and our bank respectively. The latter can be ordered with Marketing in Utrecht by telephone (+31 30 21 62804) or telefax (+31 30 21 61976). pfe GRENZELOOS BANKIEREN Onze activiteiten zijn globaal te verdelen in productgerichte functies en klantgerichte functies, waarbij de eerste groep zorgt voor ontwikkeling en aanpassing van bankdiensten voor onze klanten. De tweede groep heeft als verantwoordelijkheid de klanten van die producten te voorzien die zij nodig hebben. Onze nieuwe structuur zorgt ervoor dat bestaande 'grenzen' verdwijnen, zowel tussen de directoraten onderling als tussen de diverse kantoren. Er ontstaat een gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid voor alle medewerkers. Dit maakt het eenvoudiger om de binnen de bank beschikbare kennis en ervaring met collega's te delen. De nieuwe structuur betekent ook dat bepaalde diensten niet meer automatisch binnen het hoofdkantoor zullen vallen. De Task Forces zullen een voorstel doen welke kantoren op een bepaald gebied als Centre of Competence (CoC) zouden kunnen optreden. Als CoC stelt het kantoor vervolgens de expertise beschikbaar aan alle andere kantoren die hier behoefte aan hebben. Een goed voorbeeld hiervan is het IT-centre in Luxemburg,dat nu al wereldwijd deze rol vervult voor Private Banking. Een 'grenzeloze' bank zowel qua kennis als qua samenwerking met collega's en klanten is ons streven. Last month we already informed you about the official opening of our representative office in South Africa. As a direct result of the contacts with CEO's and CFO's who attended the reception, South Africa is now making feasibility studies on two major South African Agri-project finance deals. Says Paco den Doopi'This is really a good start'. From left to right: Paco den Doop, Henk Visser and Hans Wijers, Dutch minister of Economie A ff airs.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1996 | | pagina 10