EU - THE BANK IN PARTNERSHIP 10 info exchange What'S NewS Issue 9 September 1996 very stringent authentication process: is this user who he/she claims to be; is the user who we think he/she is? This kind of fire-wall authentication will also protect us against hackers. You have to remember that our system is a private network. You would have to be in one of our own offices to access it - it cannot be done from outside.' Ensuring systems are safe is also the responsibility of each individual office. 'We are putting together a guide which will help offices protect their own systems. And as full roll-out comes closer, they will need to be ready. Already live - Yves Morvan in Paris. ROLL-OUT SCHEDULE If all goes according to plan, this month will see preparations for the full implementation, or roll out, of the new system. 'We have been communicating with all the other offices,' Knippenberg says, 'not only to let them know what is feasible, but also to discover exactly what their situation is. A lot of offices have different requirements and these have to be met. We're also communicating what it will all cost, when it can be organized and so on. But, depending on the delivery of lines - there are some countries where that can be up to 100 days - we anticipate that all our offices will at least be able to communicate through our e-mail functionality by the end of December. After that, we'11 start adding the other facilities. One of the problems is that the number of offices keeps increasing. When we started, there were 55. Now, that number is already 71. But we're working on it and we'11 keep you posted.' RABOBANK E-MAIL Op dit moment wordt hard gewerkt aan de realisatie van een internationaal communicatienetwerk, zodat aan het eind van dit jaar alle kantoren wereldwijd electronisch met elkaar kunnen communiceren. Het systeem voorziet niet alleen in een E-mail functie. Het biedt ook de mogelijkheid toegang te krijgen tot systemen in Utrecht en hiervan lokaal gebruik te maken. De mogelijkheden zijn vrijwel onbeperkt, het oversturen van bestanden, videoconferenties en gezamenlijke toekomst biedt perspectief. The European Union (EU) is increasingly welcoming 'partnerships' with the private sector in an effort to insure the successful execution of its long-term financial support strategies. Many of these are focussed on the food and agribusiness sectors in which Rabobank has cultivated great expertise and a high international profile. In an effort to assist both its clients and the EU in meeting its goals, we launched a European Union Advisory Services unit this year. Diederik Conijn - matching interests. 'Our objective is to become an essential partner in the execution of the European Union's financial support programmes,' says Conijn, who is based at the bank's Brussels office. 'We are in a unique position to offer our services and leverage our business relationships in order to help the Union realize its global objectives.' DIVERSIFIED SUPPORT The EU has several different types of support programs; for example, development aid, financial/technical assistance (such as feasibility studies and training), and economie support and export finance, (which is designed to improve infrastructure and basic industries in target countries). These programs involved a total of some ECU 86 billion this year, of which about ECU 40 billion was earmarked for assistance outside the EU. 'Some of this aid may be distributed to larger European multinationals and SMEs, including Rabobank, in the form of fees for their services,' Conijn says. 'But at the end of the day what is important is that the objectives of the EU and our clients are better realized.' WORKING HIGH-RISK MARKETS Rabobank has already received a mandate under which it is helping a cliënt obtain EU finance to build a joint-venture milk factory in China. The cliënt is building the infrastructure to handle raw milk for conversion into UHT long-life milk. It is also helping train farmers to upgrade the overall quality of their milk and to improve the sanitary standards of milk handling. 'In other parts of the world, like Central America, EU programs such as the ECU 75-million FEPEX/FORESCA trust funds let us help our clients do business in regions of the world that we might otherwise have avoided because of the high risks involved,' explains Conijn. EU-SUBSIDIES Vanuit Brussel houdt Diederik Conijn zich bezig met de mogelijkheden die de EU-regelingen bieden op het gebied van ontwikkelingshulp, economische ondersteuning en exportfinanciering. Inmiddels is al een mandaat verkregen voor ondersteuning bij het opzetten van een melkfabriek in China en wordt subsidie verleend voor een uitwisseling van management trainees uit een aantal Aziatische landen. Deze trainees krijgen een programma waardoor zij een beter inzicht krijgen in de europese manier van zaken doen. De samenwerking met de EU is voor beide partijen aantrekkelijk. Wij dienen de belangen van onze klanten op een zodanige manier dat de Europese Unie haar doelstellingen kan realiseren.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1996 | | pagina 10