THINK GLOBAL, THINK LOCAL 4 networking WHAT'S NewS Issue 4 April 1996 By definition, media and telecommunications is an industry which demands a global approach. But equally it also requires indepth local knowledge and expertise.The brand-new media and telecommunications team, Alexander Gelderman, Jerry van Kaathoven and Nico van Eyk, expiains how the worldwide approach currently being implemented can combine local know-how with an international orientation to take the bank to the top of this crucial sector for the future. Jerry van Kaathoven Like the 'global village', the 'information age' has become something of a cliché. But its rather ubiquitous application makes it no less of a reality. Yet the promotion of two of the information age's offspring, media and telecommunications, to the realms of the commonplace does not make them any easier to grasp. In terms of complexity, this sector, whether national or international, is unlike any other, not least because one of its essential components - technology - is in constant development. At the same time, it represents a growth market with immense opportunities, especially for banks. RADICAL CHANGES This is a very exceptional sector,' Gelderman confirms. 'And not only because of the technology aspect. Some of the applications we'11 be taking for Alexander Gelderman granted in 10 years haven't even been invented yet. Then there is the regulatory environment. If you take telecom, you see a sector which is rapidly moving from primarily state ownership, which was heavily regulated, to privatization, deregulation and liberalization. As a sector, we have been through or are almost through these radical change processes and we'vecome through as a massive growth market. Until the year 2004, an estimated USD 1 trillion will be invested in Communications worldwide. Around half will come from existing cash flow, but the remaining 50 percent will have to be financed. That means real opportunities for this bank, but also for our competition. Currently, there are 10 to 15 major banking players in this sector - most of them American, Canadian and British. These are very serious, very professional players. Our goal is to join them and put Rabobank on the world telecom map.' HUGE EXPERTISE Both Gelderman and Van Kaathoven are quick to point out this is also a very new sector, primarily as a result of privatization and the introduction of competition. 'Because it is so new, it's a sector that people have to get used to,' says Van Kaathoven. 'One can distinguish various risk layers within the industry. Based on what we have outlined here, our target markets are primarily the cable TV networks, cellular (GSM/PCN) networks, equipment suppliers and the prime international media companies. Over time, satellites, as one of the carrying techniques for voice, data and image, should be on our list as well, especially while there is a tremendous growth market in the Far East. In media, much depends on goodwill, while the infra- structural side of telecom can be under the ground and pretty hard to get at, however exclusieve licences and subscriber databases represent tremendous values. But since we joined the bank at the beginning of the year, we've already found there's a really good attitude here, an openness to ideas. And we've also found there is huge expertise and professionalism in a whole range of areas. One of the ways we aim to take the bank into the top global playing field is to harness that international and national expertise.' ACTING GLOBALLY 'The essential thing in this business is MEDIA EN TELECOM MUNICATIE TEAM De media- en telecommu nicatiemarkt is booming business. Geschat wordt dat tot het jaar 2004 in deze sector ca. USD 1 biljard geïnvesteerd zal worden. Een belangrijke markt dus voor banken. Binnen onze organisatie wordt gewerkt aan een plan voor de wereldwijde benadering van deze sector, waarbij zowel de lokale kennis als de internationale oriëntatie zeer belangrijk is. Het Nederlandse team zal de diverse telecom-teams in Verenigde Staten en het Verre Oosten ondersteunen, zodat we niet alleen lokaal, maar ook wereldwijd kunnen opereren.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1996 | | pagina 4