Securitization in brief 14 info exchange WHAT'S NEWS Issue 4 April 1996 There's been a lot of talk about it recently in the network. It seems almost as if securitization is the new buzz word for the bank. But what is it, how does it work, and who is doing it? London Branch's expert Brian James provides a brief summary. Brian James WHAT EXACTLY IS SECURITIZATION? Basically, it's the repackaging of corporate assets. What you do is take the raw receivable or inventory and identify each inherent risk. These identified risks are then hedged or sold so that you end up with a risk that is acceptable to the international capital markets. Securitization has major benefits for both the bank and for corporate clients. SUCH AS? From the bank's point of view, the primary benefit is the transfer of risk to third party investors. This has the added advantage that it is solvency efficiënt in that it converts drawn assets into undrawn assets. And if structured as a 364-day liquidity facility, it will have no capital applied thus converting margin into fee income. In essence, securitization is a cost-competitive product for the bank to offer its clients. AND FOR THE CLIENT? For our corporate clients, it has the benefit of taking assets off balance sheet, thus freeing up capital and improving gearing ratios, or alternatively as a cost-competitive source of financing, and a method of diversifying funding sources. In addition, for unrated corporates it means they can gain access to highly efficiënt rated markets to which they would not normally have entry. LONDON IS A MAJOR CENTRE? Certainly for Europe. There are around 44 banks with securitization teams based in the City. HOW HAVE YOU POSITIONED RABOBANK? We've done that in a number of different ways. But I think probably one of the keys is Magenta. This is our off-balance sheet securitized vehicle which we established in conjunction with Chemical Bank. It was launched last November and, in fact, we've just done our first Magenta deal involving truck-lease receivables. CAN YOU EXPLAIN EXACTLY WHAT MAGENTA IS? Essentially, Magenta is a complete, in- place facility for financing any form of assets, such as trade receivables or inventory, initially through the commercial paper markets out of the US. Through Magenta, we have created a funding tooi which is more flexible than any other conduit in the market. That won't last for long. But at least it keeps the lid on the competition for the time being. WHICH MARKETS ARE YOU TARGETTING? Every market in the sense that Magenta has been established for bank-wide use. It SECURITIZATION Vanuit Londen wordt sinds kort het produkt 'securitization' gevoerd. Het gaat om overname van debiteuren vorderingen en voorraden van bedrijven, waarbij de diverse risico's in kaart worden gebracht. Deze worden ten dele ingedekt of verkocht, zodat een produkt overblijft dat op de internationale kapitaalmarkt kan worden aangeboden. Het voordeel voor de bank is dat het risico aan derden wordt overgedragen, terwijl wij klanten een concurrerend produkt kunnen bieden. Voor de klant betekent het een gunstigere financiering, diversificatie van financierings bronnen en het off-balance krijgen van deze activa, waardoor ratio's verbeteren. Securitization vindt plaats via Magenta, opgericht met Chemical Bank. Securitization kan vanuit Londen wereldwijd aan klanten worden aangeboden. Een groot aantal kantoren maakt hier al gebruik van. has been designed with total flexibility to suit any specific cliënt requirements. The key route is direct marketing through to corporates with whom we already do business. In 1995, we saw significant progress in Europe. Last year we did a very attractive deal in the US with the Chicago office - that was for Purina [see What's News, 7/95]. We're also working closely with corporate banking in Utrecht and the teams in Italy, Belgium and Rabo Popular in Madrid. We have also been approached about possihilities in Australia and New Zealand, and we have a significant lead of business through Chemical's worldwide origination network. Essentially, Magenta has been created to target anywhere in the world. The concept behind it is that you can take any asset from any jurisdiction then securitize and fund it. ANY JURISDICTION? That is the current stage. In 1996, our main objective is to get the branches' account managers sufficiently familiar with the product so they know when to introducé it to solve specific cliënt requirements. The emphasis will be on introducing everyone in the network to the product so they can start sourcing opportunities. A lot of groundwork has already been done. People understand it's not just another way of dressing up the same product. It is a very different product. The corporates themselves also understand this. In fact, you're now seeing companies asking for it, certainly in the UK and US, and across a large part of Europe. A VERY DIFFERENT PRODUCT? Securitization is another value-added product our people in the network can offer their clients. If the cliënt is looking for an off-balance sheet status, then securitization is a real solution. And if you have a corporate where you wouldn't consider straight balance sheet lending, then you can offer a structure in which the credit is secured. It gives you more scope. YOU ARE WORKING FOR THE WHOLE NETWORK? Absolutely. It's been slow to start, but it's just a question of confidence building. That's working now; Magenta has made a significant difference. Almost everything we are doing is for and with other branches in the network. The way we see our activity here in London is that we are a product centre for the whole bank. We will advise on possible structures or anything else the account manager needs. But the cliënt remains with the branch. We believe that is the right way to do it.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1996 | | pagina 14