WHAT'S NewS Issue 4 ApriM 996 working relations 13 widening the scope of these systems so that they apply to include all types of market risks: from equities to currency to interest rate fluctuations. The overall framework for this new policy - covering the issues to be considered, the various classes of risk to be described, plus the best methods to define trading limits, and to integrate all of these considerations into actual operating procedures - was formulated with the help of the management consultants KPMG. MANAGING LOGISTICS A rewriting of all of the different risk policies within the Rabobank group to conform to this KPMG recommendation is now underway. Some 25 bank officers have been assigned to implement these policies at headquarters in Utrecht, with between one and four people involved at each of the large foreign affiliates. Meanwhile, the Canadian software house Algorithmics is implementing its Risk Watch market risk modules to meet Rabobank's management information needs. Effective information 'logistics' - which involves extracting relevant information about risk from internal computer systems and making sure that it arrivés at the right place at the right time - MARKTRISICO CONCEPT Binnen het CBB wordt hard gewerkt aan de implementatie van een nieuw marktrisico management concept. Hiermee kunnen de steeds complexere risico's waarmee de bank geconfronteerd wordt in kaart worden gebracht. De bank speelt hiermee in op de nieuwe richtlijnen ten aanzien van het eigen vermogen van de bank als op de eisen van de conventie van Bazel, die begin 1998 van kracht worden. Alle marktrisico's, van aandelen- tot valuta- en rentefluctua ties worden binnen dit systeem op unifor me wijze in kaart gebracht. will be crucial to the new concept's overall success. 'This is not merely about new systems,' says Schalij. 'It is also about how to organize the new regime, which people should be involved, what should be the lines of reporting and control. In fact, it's primarily a cultural change that requires a change in behaviour. PHASING IN Both Rabobankers observe that although it's easy to announce a new system, it is another thing to apply it effectively. 'These sophisticated new methodologies will consume both time and human resources,' explains Bruggink. 'The long-term interests of the bank make it essential that everyone gets involved in this process, even if there is no short-term benefit for the sometimes considerable investments required.' Complicating matters somewhat is the fact that the new risk management concept is being phased-in in two steps. This reflects the stringency of regulatory requirements in Holland. All Dutch banks are being required to first comply with CAD this year, and then with Basle in 1998, unlike many foreign competitors who are preparing to move directly into the Basle regime. Practically speaking, this means that one set of analytical tools is now being put into place to meet the capital adequacy directive - hut they will actually only be used to produce six quarterly reports before they are scrapped once the Basle requirements, and a new set of measurement tools, come into effect at the end of 1997. 'This strikes us all as a somewhat confusing use of resources,' Schalij concedes with an eye towards the central banks' rule books. However, 'we must try to make the best of this situation.' Willem van Duijn, Senior Vice President within this important unit which is headed by Evert van der Stroom. 'Our job is not only to help advise on strategy, and understand the methods used to implement it, but also to step back and decide whether the whole process is wvorking as efficiently and effectively as it "hould. Are the analysis methodologies correct? Is information moving smoothly? Can we be sure the data are accurate? Because people who are working within the relevant divisions or in the foreign offices necessarily have quite different and more immediate priorities, there is great need for an operational auditor who can survey the landscape overall.' FUNCTIONAL EXPERTISE To help in its task, the audit department is divided into several areas of functional expertise. The division under Van Duijn audits the international operations, the headquarters in Utrecht and the subsidiaries in Holland (except for the domestic member banks - which are audited by separate arms). It also has a ^fccondary responsibility for auditing the ^ffmual financial accounts of the Rabobank group. An EDP audit unit specializes in evaluating electronic data processing systems and, finally, the Credit Audit unit is devoted to credit risks. REFORMULATING CONCEPTS These units act singly and in combination to evaluate the quality of the whole risk management system and its various subsystems and deliver their assessments and recommendations for change directly to top management. As reported in the last edition of What's NewS, risk management procedures at Rabobank are now undergoing a major strategie review. The Audit Department has been intimately involved in reformulating the new risk management concept. Needless to say, in a more turbulent market climate the success of this effort will hinge on whether the new system can be made as robust as possible. Management and members of the audit department are mindful that - as English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said - 'what we anticipate seldom occurs; and what we least expect is what generally takes place.' DYNAMIC REALITIES 'With our experience with earlier systems, we are in a unique position to help in strategy and design,' says Eef Staring, Senior Audit Manager within the Department. 'We have involved ourselves in this process from the very start so as to avoid the necessity of having to come back and recommend corrections after the fact. Apart from helping formulate and implement this strategy, the 200-strong Department is concerned with all- important specifics of operational execution. By overseeing every phase of the management cycle, the Audit Department insures that the formal systems reflect the dynamic realities. In that alchemical procedure called banking, the audit function helps to insure that the ingredients of risk are transformed into profit at the bottom-line. INTERNE ACCOUNTANTS- DIENST Een van de taken van de Accountantsdienst is het continu in de gaten houden van de - krediet-, markt- en opera tionele - risico's die de bank loopt. Het is een proces van continu meten en controleren en zo nodig de procedures aanpassen. Als onafhankelijke afdeling krijgt de Accoun tantsdienst zo een goed totaaloverzicht. Zij rapporteert rechtstreeks aan de Hoofd directie. Uiteraard is de dienst vanaf het begin ook nauw betrokken bij het nieuwe marktrisico concept, zodat dit niet achteraf aangepast hoeft te worden. De goede werking van het systeem komt met name aan de orde als markten turbulenter worden. Door de hechte samenwerking hebben alle partijen er echter alle vertrouwen in.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1996 | | pagina 13