Trade and commodity TARGETED F&A MARKETING FINANCE - NEW MARKETS corporate banking l WHAT'S NkwS Issue 2 February 1996 FOCUSSED BUSINESS PLANS In spite of this rather gloomy general outlook, London Branch is clearly optimistic. 'The real thing here is to get our higher valued added products into our relationships. And in this respect, two things have been happening. The first is we're developing a really focussed product range in corporate finance, trade finance and treasury. The second is we've established business plans for each of our target sectors. These define the basic outlines of companies in those sectors, what is happening in the sector, what we're trying to achieve there and what sort of products we can deliver into that sector.' SPELLING IT OUT The aim here is to ensure it is clear what the bank has to offer - both for account managers and clients. 'It's much more efficiënt if everyone in the bank knows what's happening. And clients appreciate this focussed approach. The last thing we want is for a corporate to think: Oh, here comes another bank, I wonder what they're trying to sell me today. By structuring our cliënt approach, the customer knows, for example, that the next time we visit, we'11 be there to discuss structured finance or treasury products. Our people are increasingly familiar with the new products our colleagues here are developing. And we're now rolling them out to clients. 1 think we're being quite clear on what our capabilities are and what we see as their needs. But also on how Rabobank can help deliver, satisfy, some of those requirements. Our experience is that no corporate sees that as wasteful. In fact, everyone says its great because we're spelling it out so clearly. I think that means we may be half way up the hill. 1996 is not going to be any easier than 1995, but I'd say we were already in the starting grid.' Last year, London Branch reorganized its approach to tackling the extensive and varied UK food and agribusiness market. Ben Davies, who leads the dedicated F&A team, outlines the thinking behind the new structure. There was a time when London Branch focussed its F&A marketing strategy primarily on major corporares. But that approach changed when Ab Gillhaus joined the branch to target the middle market. 'When Ab left us last summer,' Davies recalls, 'we were, to all intents and Simott Tyler purposes, operating two parallel food-related businesses. He had developed an excellent platform in the middle market and we saw that as highly complementary to our more established business with larger customers. It made sense to combine our efforts in both.' In the five years since Tyler joined the bank, his group has doubled in size to handle the growth in business. 'We started with three or four customers and were seen as a very small SHARPER FOCUS At London Branch, major corporates are those, many of them giant, companies active in food processing, brewing, beverages and food retail. 'We already had quite some expertise in these areas,' Davies explains, 'so there were obvious benefits in bringing the two target markets together. And not only in terms of efficiency and shared knowledge, but also through a sharper focus on individual segments of the market and the enhanced capacity for cross- selling the bank's growing product base.' Given the strong franchise in UK F&A, bank in soft commodity finance. Now, we're one of the largest banks in London, probably one of the top four. But,' he says, 'even though we're very pleased with the Ben Davies Davies and his team believe the new structure will improve already considerable returns even further. way the business has developed, you have to ask yourself: What now?' GROWING TRADE FINANCE One answer is clearly to optimize the whole bank's cross-selling potential to existing clients. 'We will, of course, be developing that,' says Tyler. 'We'11 be bringing in our people in structured finance, securitization and the new products treasury is developing, as well as the Over the past few years, this area of corporate banking has been expanded, slowly but surely by Simon Tyler and his team. Now, the group is looking for new markets. CORPORATE BANKING De marges voor kredietverlening worden steeds kleiner. Daardoor moet het zakenvolume bijna worden verdubbeld om hetzelfde resultaat te bereiken. Ook sluiten bedrijven bestaande leningen over tegen gunstiger tarieven. Het kantoor heeft hiermee rekening gehouden. Produkten met een hogere toegevoegde waarde (structured finance, M&A en securitization) werden aan het pakket toegevoegd. Ook de benadering van klanten is gestructureerd van opzet. De klant weet van te voren over welke onderwerpen tijdens een bezoek zal worden gesproken. Zij waarderen deze wijze van benadering.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'What's news' (EN) | 1996 | | pagina 11