'It's been a
What's NewS Issue 1 January 1996
cbs happy new year
And we're heading for
an even better one.
What's NewS looks back
on the milestones of
1995, reports the party-
line on what's expected
from us in 1996, and
finds out what you
think about it all.
The CBS cabaret's
version may not be
quite as sleek and
smooth as the real 'guy
in the pie'.
But even though we
may still be a bit rough
around the edges, CBS
has had a great year.
Jan Willem Slooten
(corporate banking, Utrecht):
'Getting rid of borders is one of
the best ideas for the new year.
There shouldn't be a distinction
between CBS in Utrecht and CBS
International. We are all part of the
same team and this artificial
separation is very frustrating.'
Pilar Clarambo (operations,
Popular Rabobank):
'Here in Spain we often have the
feeling we're far away from
Rabobank in the Netherlands.
When I was watching the video, it
really feit like we are part of a
single organization.'
And that is official. Although there was still
a month to go on December 1, CBS's
management committee were more than
happy with the serious improvements we've
achieved over the past year. Return on
solvency (RoS) has risen from 6.5 to over
8 percent. Past investments are paying off
and more are slated for the coming year. But
the improvements are only the start of
something even bigger. CBS chief Rik van
Slingelandt talks us through where we've
come from and where we're going.
'These results are a huge compliment to the
2,500 CBSers around the world,' he says, 'they
have made this happen. The bank has made
major investments in assets and our people are
really making them work for us. International
private banking activities have taken off.
Rabobank in Australia is making tremendous
headway in its markets. We've just received the
Management Committee CBS f.l.t.rHenk van
der Stelt, Arthur Arnold, "Wouter Kolft, Henk
Gentis, Rik van Slingelandt and Bert Steketee.
Ethna Murphy (risk management,
'l'm happy there'll be more
emphasis on value at risk. A lot of
people talk about it. It's almost a
buzz word at the moment. But few
actually realize what it means. We
have to focus on risk management
- it's the only way to go.'
Slovenka Ristic (secretary F&A
research team, Utrecht):
'I loved the revue, especially the
tango satirizing the mission
statements. It's good to be able to
laugh at ourselves.'