New Faces
European Commodity
in brief
WHAT'S NewS Issue 1 January 1996
The Chicago office will be the
bank 's base for its push into
North American
A dedicated team joined the
Chicago operation recently and
they're already on call.
From left to right: Doug Zylstra,
Bill Welch (manager)Chip
Walker and Aldert Blank.
(what's in a word)
We're back again with another
look at the weird and wonderful
in terminology, many drawn
from the M&A field.
CHAPS: acronym for Clearing
House Automated Payments
System.This is the UK banks'
electronic cash transfer system
for sterling payments and
Dirty price: the price of a
coupon-bearing security
including the accrued interest.
clients, both multinational and
local. Says Rotterdam's Paul
Dekker, 'We are increasingly
seeing centralized finance
decisions in this field so we feit
there was a need for centralized
planning in Rabobank to
facilitate Pan-European
servicing of these clients.'
However, there were also two
other major points on the day-
long agenda. While many of
the bank's clients operate
internationally, there are also
countless local commodity
customers who should also
have access to our international
network. 'The idea was to
bring everyone up to speed on
local activities,' says Dekker,
'and by doing that we achieve
our third goal - to reinforce
our own networking.'
Dedicated European
commodity finance meetings
will now be held twice-
Fire sale:a form of asset
stripping.The usually risky
strategy of taking on large
amounts of expensive debt to
acquire a company and being
forced to sell off its assets as
the only way to meet the
financial costs.
Greenmail: hostile takeover
term to describe usually US
tactic of buying off a potential
bidder. Generally done by
target company to buy back its
shares from the predator (body
trying to take over the
company) at a premium.
Killer bees: more takeover
jargonese. Refers to the army of
lawyers, accountants and
management consultants
under retainer to a company
which can be deployed against
a predator in a hostile bid.
Pac-man defence: mainly US.
Target company buys up its
predator's shares to fight off a
takeover bid.
Fifteen commodity finance
account managers from 10
European Rabobank offices
participated in the planning
meeting hosted by the
Rotterdam operation. The aim
was to formulate common
goals and strategies to service
Editorial Staff David Brown (Editor)
Anne Lavelle (Editor), Stan Polman (Editor
in Chief),NoorTania (Final Editor/
Marketing Services).
Editorial Address Rabobank Nederland,
Piet Philipsen, Editorial assistant, UC-R
519, P.O. Box 17100,3500 HG UTRECHT.
Telephone:+31 (0)30 2162083
Telefax:+31 (0)30 2161904
E-Mail address (for internal use only);
Philipsen, P. @ico_uc@comm
Designed and printed by
Hoonte-Holland, Utrecht.
Please send change of address cards to: Keijzer,BC 102 A.
Curacac George Henrick is the
new deputy general manager.
Netherlands Alexander
Gelderman joins corporate
banking with responsibility for
media and telecommunications. In
corporate finance, Gerard van
Kaathoven has been appointed
project finance manager while
Nico van Eijk is our new advisor
on these sectors. Steven
Spiekhout joins the dairy and
food group as senior account
manager. James Nolan comes to
mergers acquisitions as senior
advisor. Marketing services has a
new senior marketing manager in
Gerald Wolf. Dim den Braven of
financial markets origination has
left the bank.
Singapore Alvina Chia Shew Bin
has been appointed senior officer
private banking.
Seed-corn capital: funds made
available at the start of a
project to finance the initial
phase of development thus
making further finance easier
to get.
Shark repellent: a term used
to describe a change in a
corporate charter in order to
put off potential takeover bids.