W^FPT SPEARHEADS GLOBAL SPECIALIZATION ECU IN THE BANK WHAT'S NewS Nummer 4 August 1995 in brief The strategie importance of the Agri-Project Finance Team (APTF) for Rabobank's inter national operations in the food and agribusiness sectors was emphasized by senior manage ment at the team's recent an- nual meeting. Rik van Slinge- landt, Bert Steketee and Hans Megens agreed that the APFT forms a 'strategie spearhead' in penetrating foreign markets, generating cross-selling of other prodnets and services and positioning Rabobank as a specialized global bank for ^Btese sectors. I hey also stressed that APFT's strong support of Rabobank's foreign offices over the last two years has not only been financially attractive but has also made a significant contri- bution to developing Rabo bank's foreign network into a more closely integrated banking operation for these sectors. The annual meeting was an ex cellent opportunity for team members to get to know each The bank has expanded the in- formation provided on Inter- ^Bnet.The Rabobank pages now include a profile in English as well as all addresses, phone and fax numbers of the interna tional network. other, particularly essential in view of the geographic dis- tance between various APFT units and the newly formed operations set up earlier this year in Mexico, Australia, Poland and Hungary. The international division wants to see further expansion, in particular because, with Agribusiness Research, APFT is seen as a frontrunner in the area of research-based bank ing, which is vital for future viability. APFT will also have to develop an effective and efficiënt arrangement with Rabobank's syndication de- partments, in order to struc- F.l.t.r. standing: Ad Gerritsen, Kees Beijer, Lilian Middelkoop, Issac Chan, Mare van Strij- donck, Edwin de Buck, Tony O'Connor, Gerard Mulder, Roger Bradshaw, Helmus Brons, Patrick Guyver, Martine Boon, Peck Leng Lee, Tomasz Sandormierski, Ben Huiskamp. Seated: Niek Streefkerk, Cordon Butland, Esther van Aken, Hans Bogaard, Twan Geurts. ture larger transactions and to syndicate major parts of such deals to other financial insti- tutions. With its considerable ex- perience in 'repressed economy economics', APFT is seen as an important 'emerging markets group' outside the usual eap- ital markets sphere. It will also play a prime role in building a cliënt orientated organization to correspond with the changes in international competitive positions and the emergence of commercially interesting con- sumer markets. The fact that APFT has devel- oped from the envisaged peripheral unit into an impor tant support unit for foreign offices puts it in an ideal pos- ition for the current trend towards smaller, more flexible units, ring-fencing sponsor risks in an increasingly more volatile food and agribusiness world, and engaging in joint ventures with local partners. looking ahead August 19-25 Flenk Visser visits Indonesia as part of an official trade mission, headed by Dutch Trade Minister Hans Wijers. August 28 The new Rabobank office opens in Bangkok. September 14 Official opening of theTurnhout private banking operation in Belgium. September 20 and 21 The Investor Relations roadshow takes to the autobahns of Germany. September 27 FINEM members gather at Rabo bank Utrecht for discussions on EMU/ECU. RABOBANK ON TE WORLD WIDE WEB Those of you who have access to the World Wide Web, should take a look at Rabobank's home page (http://ra boba n k.i nfo.n I/). You'l I find all sorts of information.There's fun (the Rabo sponsoredTop-40), product information (ordering RabobankTelebanking ora student account), economie infor mation (e.g. Bi-weekly Survey on the Dutch Economy), a list of all Press Releases and even a list of all the foreign branches. If you have any suggestions as to how Rabobank can further pro- mote itself on the web, please contact Maarten Giezeman of the Marketing Services department (e-ma i l:g ieze_rn@eu ronet. nl Masthead Editorial Staff Sue Baker (Editor), Anne Lavelle (Editor), Stan Polman (Editor in Chief),NoorTania (Final Editor/Marketing Services). Editorial Address Rabobank Nederland, Eva van Teeseling, Editorial assistant, UC-R 519, P.O. Box 17100,3500 HG UTRECHT. Telephone:+31 (0)30 90 2807 Telefax:+31 (0)30 90 1904 E-Mail address (for internat use only); Teeseling, E.W. van @1c0_uc@comm Designed and printed by Hoonte-Holland, Utrecht. Please send change of address cards to: A. de Keijzer, BC 102 A. Following a request from FINEM, the organization of CFOs and treasurers from top Dutch companies, the bank had already agreed to host its bi-annual meeting when we were approached by Brussels to organize a high-level conference on EMU and the ECU. 'As soon as the request came in,' says Maarten van den Bergh of Marketing Services, 'we informed the EU of the FINEM meeting and suggested combining the two events.' European Commissioner for economie, finan cial and monetary affairs, Yves-Thibault de Silguy, will speak at the conference, outlining proposals for the introduction of the ECU as common European currency. The FINEM meetings are always well- attended, but now Marketing Services is expecting between 300 and 400 participants at the joint con ference. Bank chairman Herman Wijffels is also one of the guest speakers - he will address EMU and the ECU from a banker's perspective.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

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