Rabo Polska
in business
things are
on the network
Talk at the top
Private banking
on course
Issue 2 13 march 1995
March 1 marks the start of commercial activities at
the bank's new Warsaw office.GM Henk Adams talks
us through what the five-strong team is doing in the
domestic market and what it can do for the interna
tional network.
with account managers so we set up the kind of sup
port and services our network needs.' However,
Adams also believes it is important to let people
know what his team cannot do yet. 'A lot of enquiries
and requests for information on establishing new bus
iness ventures and on banking services have already
come in,' he says. 'At present, we're not equipped to
handle these efficiently because we simply don't yet
have the necessary staff or a licence. But we're work-
ing hard on establishing a support desk so that we
should be able to offer this kind of assistance in the
near future.'
According to Adams, Poland and its former east-
bloc neighbours should be seen as emerging markets.
'When I arrived, I had all kinds of preconceptions,'
he says, 'but I found things were moving much faster
and there are a lot more opportunities than I expect-
ed.' At present, the Warsaw team is still in the pro-
cess of orientation. Although no full licence has been
obtained yet, it is already offering advice and consul
tancy on corporate finance, investment banking and
agri-project and trade finance. 'The first two
especially could be very interesting,' Adams says,
'because a massive privatization program is ongoing.
We'11 be monitoring that very closely.'
Poland is the focus of a lot of foreign interest and
actual investment, so Warsaw will be working closely
with other international offices. Til be talking to our
people in Germany, London, Milan and the Far East.
Germany is especially important because a lot of in
vestment comes from there. I want to get together
Internationale new
senior management
team get together in a
roundtable to discuss
its structure and
Page 3.
An extensive series of workshops has been de-
signed to inform staff at member banks in the
Netherlands on exactly what the international
network can offer them. Head of the international
department, Maus Barendrecht, is currently a regular
speaker at the day-long seminars on the bank's
range of payments traffic products. While experts
from the international product management team
provide indepth information on specific areas, such
as telebanking and treasury, Barendrecht's role is to
offer member-bank personnel insight into how the
foreign offices operate, what services and products
they can supply, and how they can generally assist
domestic clients in other areas, such as information.
Targetted training pro
grams for private
bankers from the whole
international network
support the bank's push
to become a prominent
player in this important
Page 4.
ad campaign
mthem. You carït even
draw our flag.f33
Still, rww you kriow the
Throughout the coming
year.the bank will be
promoting international
name recognition
through focused
advertising in quality
financial and business
Page 4.
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