K9UU lie year ahead Marketing update Holland happening Forecast 1993 Issue 14/January 25, 1993 In his traditional New Year address to staff, Rabobank chairman Herman Wijffels re- viewed the bank's perform ance in 1992 and looked ahead to 1993. In spite of a stagnating nation- al economy, the Rabobank achieved a relatively high growth in its domestic oper- ations last year. However, in his New Year address, Chairman Herman Wijffels was fairly som- bre about prospects for 1993. 'We have to be prepared for a year which in economie terms will show a further slide into re cession,' he said. 'I think we have to continue our attempts to reduce costs wherever pos- sible and to increase our as- sets considerably through fo cussing on products which gen- erate commission. The further development of Allfinanz prod ucts, which are often commis sion products, is very impor tant.' On an international level, Wijf fels believes that the invest- ments made over the past de cade should be further utilized. The Marketing Services Department has now publish- ed the first two brochures in a series designed for use by the international offices and branches. The Directory Banking Sector Chairman Herman Wijffels - emphasizing the further improvement of profitability of the foreign offices. 'We now have our own network throughoutthe world and a num- ber of alliances with foreign banks. We see 1993 as char- acterized by utilizing these operations and cooperations to the full. In the short term, we is a simple, accessible guide to who's who in the various divi- sions in Utrecht and includes direct-dial telephone numbers. The International Network guide lists all the offices and branches abroad with full postal addresses and telecom- munications numbers. Other are not thinking of strong growth in the number of offices or the finalization of new alli ances. The emphasis will be on the further improvement of prof itability of our activities in this area.' brochures and marketing tools are currently in press and a fol der and leaflets on trust will be appearing in the near future. For more information, please contact the Marketing Ser vices Department in Utrecht on +31 30 904983 or by fax on +31 30 901976. From January 1, the bank ing sector of the EC has been fully liberalized and the insur- ance sector partially. Banks and insurance companies which have a iicence to operate in their home countries may now open offices in all of the EC countries. The European Com- munity has laid down norms to determine credit-worthiness of banks. The central automa- tion service, the internal facility which advises on computeriz- ation, central data processing and telecommunications, has become independent. The ser vice became a limited company on January 1 under the name Facet. The new company em- ploys almost 500 people and will administer and maintain the central computers and the Rabobank Terminal Network (RTN). The RTN, the Rabo orga- nization's private computer For the fifth year in succes sion, the Rabobank has pro- duced its indepth overview of the present economie situ- ation worldwide and fore- casted developements for the coming year. In Forecast 1993, the bank out- lines its view of the year ahead and provides insight into devel opment aspects it believes will characterize the world's econ- omies in the coming 12 months. Designed to inform institutional investors and major corporate clients, it comprises sections on global geographic regions, the Netherlands, EC economie and monetary integration and risk-control in off-balance prod ucts. Of especial importance is the bank's view of interest- rate developments in 1993. For example, its forecast for DM/ NLG interest- rate trends shows a flat yield curve in mid-year, balancing our at around 7 per cent and remaining stable at least until year-end. The overview appears in Dutch and English and, according to financial markets research manager Bernard Walschots, has already been sent to those foreign offices which requested inclusion in his department's mailing list. However, not all in ternational offices have made this request, so they may not have received Forecast 1993. Any office which would like a copy should contact Walschots in Utrecht on +31 30 903497. network has links to all member banks, the central computers and the bank's cash dispen sers. The corporate financing advisory services for member banks has begun a pilot project to test 'teleworking'. One of its staffers, Frans Hendrickx, has been equipped with a PC, tele fax and photocopier and will be doing most of his work at home. His job, bad loans work- out officer, is considered ideal- ly suited to 'teleworking'. In March this year, the third annu- al Stock-market Competition will begin. Rabobank is the main sponsor of this competi tion which is open to students, clients, investors and person- nel who can manage an equity portfolio to the value of NLG 300,000 for a period of 10 weeks. Participants who achieve the highest performance in the various categories are awarded attractive cash prizes. Last year, almost 16,000 individual and group participants entered the competition.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

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