General Manager North America Back to grass roots Triple A reconfirmed Leipzig branch discontinued ALM team work Quality growth forecast 1993 Deal of the year New Year Message Fire escape Staff communication magazine At January 1, Dennis Ziengs is appointed general manager North America. This includes the position of general manager of the New York Branch. This ap- pointment is designed to reflect the bank's growing focus on the whole US, Canadian and Mexi- can markets and its position among the top agribusiness fi- nancial institutions in the North American continent. Introductory week for inter national account management staff is highly rated by partici- pants. One of the highlights is the visit to a member bank in the Netherlands. Raboband International joins two AM staffers from Hong Kong and Beigium as they go back to ba- sics and meet the people on the spot. See page 3. At the end of 1992, Stan dard Poor reconfirmed the bank's Triple A rating. Rabobank is one of only three banks world- wide which have earned and maintained this coveted status. Triple A is awarded based on a number of criteria, includingthe bank's solidity and reputation and the state of the national economy of its residence. Rabobank Deutschland has decided to close its branch office in Leipzig followingdisappointing banking opportunities in this region of the former DDR. The Leipzig branch was in operation for 14 months and its activities have now been taken over by the main office in Frankfurt. Followingthe GMC in Novem ber, an international asset liabilities project team has been established to develop a frame- work for assisting branches in improving their performance in this area. The team will meet three times over the next few months and will present prelimi- nary conclusions at the annual treasurers meeting in April. The international division's annual business plan was pub- lished at the end of the year and, in spite of the unstable global economie situation, shows positive healthy growth. However, the year ahead will be characterized by the pursuit of quality. According to the report by the international division manage ment, 1992 was the first real indication of the bank's break- through from starting operation to first phases of maturity on the world banking stage. Con- tained growth was achieved, driven primarily by lending activ ities which increased by 20.3 percent. Although this figure can be considered healthy, an extraordinary general man agers meeting was convened at Continued on page 2. The authoritative business journal Euroweek has named the Rabobank lead-managed bond issue for the German Commerzbank the guilder deal of the year. Of the top five 1992 guilder bond issues, Rabobank was lead manager for numbers one and four, achieving a 36-percent domestic market share in this field during the past year. At pre sent, Rabobank Nederland is the main player in bond issues, but in the coming year Rabobank Deutschland should become in- creasingly active in creatingjoint lead management positions in its own right. 'What we are aim- ing for,' says Frederik Floek, head of the capital markets de- partment, 'is increased visibility for our foreign offices in this field. Currently, they are focus- sed primarily on identifying po- tential issuers and working with us on presentations to clients. However, that should change and we should see our offices in Germany, Luxembourg and uitimateiy Switzerland devel- oping issues in their currencies in the not too distant future.' The beginning of a new year is always a time of reflection. And 1993 marks something of a milestone in the development of Rabobank as an international banking house. It is now 12 years since the bank made its first move towards establishing a net- work of foreign offices. From small beginnings, we now have more than 1,100 staff in the international division and at locations worldwide. As the number and importance of our foreign offices grows, a need was perceived for a means of communicating with them. It was feit that they should be informed of important de- velopments in the Netherlands and also be given the opportunity to communicate interesting aspects of their own development. Continued on page 2. The Milan office had a lucky escape on the last day of the old year as fire broke out in the second-floor accounting room. Fortunately, it was discovered almost immediately and no one was injured although the whole floor, which in fact comprises half of Rabobank Italy's premises, has suffered smoke damage. 'The fire brigade believes the fire was started by a short cir cuit in our accounting-room prin ter,' says general manager Ro- berto de Cardona. 'The machi ne had been switched off in preparation for the traditional half-day closing on December 31, but fortunately one of our staff went back up to the ac counting room before leaving the building. She found dense smoke coming from this room and we immediately called in Continued on page 2. fnv tha Dahnhank firnnn

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

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