Madrid: Strategie alliance with Banco Popular working well New computer Luxembourg 1991: The year of strategie alliances mmmmmujs a statement from the coor_ fiHUU Issue 10/January, 1992 band BANCO POPULAR ESPANOL The staff of the Madrid office consists of representative Maus Barendrecht, his assistant Erik Vermeulen (m) and a secre- tary, Frederique Wyt. On the left in the photo Javier Gevaell, the contact at Ban co Popular, the first bank with which the Rabobank Group has concluded a strategie alliance. In recent years Banco Popular and Rabo bank have developed three fields in which they cooperate. First the reciprocal help for traditional customers - help with invest- ments, business financing, house purchase and mortgages, transfer accounts, and so on. The contacts are often initiated at the local Rabobank and are channelled via the Eurodesk and representative office to the liaison officer of Banco Popular Gevaell and vice versa. As soon as the contacts have been established one or more intermediate links can withdraw from the chain. In addition, the alliance also works for the corporate market. At Rabobank's request, large international - mainly Dutch - businesses are financed by Banco Popular on the basis of shared risk and shared profits. A third devel- opment set in motion by the representative office and Banco Popular in 1991 is ser vice to the private investor. Twice this year, Rabobank Luxembourg has given presen- tations in Southern Spain to Dutch people residing in that country or spending the winter there. Steps are now also being taken to make Banco Popular's normal banking services more accessible for Dutch people wintering in Spain. Rabobank cannot be present with its own offices in every iocation where its cus tomers are active, which is why strategie alliances are made with other banks. Two years ago, Rabo bank entered into a cooperation agree- ment with the Span- ish Banco Popular. The concept caught on fairly quickly in othe countries where Dutch nationals are active, either as pri vate individuals or in the business field. There are now agree- ments with Lloyds Bank in Great Britain and Crédit Agricole in France. The concept mainly applies to countries in the European Community, where 80% of Dutch trade takes place. The practical advantage is that a great deai of bureaucracy is avoided as a result of such alliances. it has been agreed that coördina tors at the head offices will inform the part ner banks about customers and give them information on collateral constructions which will be mutually accepted. An exam- ple: In the past, a Dutch businessman who wanted credit faciiities for his activities in Spain had to supply the Spanish bank con- cerned with a copy of his company's Ar- ticles of Association and an extract from a Dutch Chamber of Commerce translated into Spanish by a sworn translator. These documents had to be accom- panied by a notarial certifi- Miïiïcate. Now all that is needed qjnator at the head office that the company has been accepted as a customer by Rabobank. Rabobank Luxembourg mainly focuses on supplying services to European private customers, the most impor tant products being deposits and portfolio management. The use of a high level com puter programme is essential, particularly for the latter ac- tivity. Not only for the admini- strative side, but also for valuing the portfolio and ad- vising on it. Rabobank Luxem bourg tested and installed an appropriate programme in the course of 1991 so that today it has one of the most advanced systems currently avaiiable in this field. Together with the trust company formed in 1991 and housed in the same office, Rabobank Luxembourg can now further improve its services to companies. Up to now, it has been able to help with setting up holding companies, but with the trust office it can offer better legal/fiscal and administrative support. Rabobank Luxembourg started operations in November 1988 and now has 23 employees. They visited the head office in Utrecht in May 1991.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'Raboband International' (EN) | 1992 | | pagina 8