Experiment with daily
live Rabobank TV news
Rabobank all over the world
Operations Managers
Issue 5/December 13, 1989
Jacques Jansen has been appointed
Manager of the Regional Office in Eind
hoven. He will leave the Antwerp Branch
on January 1, 1990. Karei Plasman, the
present head of Account Management will
replace him as branch General Manager
with effect from that date. At the same
time Ronny Noerens has been appointed
head of Account Management.
A new face, that of Roger Delcroix, who
joined the Antwerp Branch on September
1. Roger is the account manager for the
agribusiness in Antwerp.
The New York Branch welcomed Thomas
Guglielmo and Stephen Cook two months
Thomas will be internal controller and
Stephen will be responsible for setting up
the merchant banking activities in New
Robert Benoit joined the Branch on De
cember 1 to head the Credit Department.
Cees Janssen is now settled in Milan as
our representative there. Balder Schu-
macher, who acted as interim representa
tive, is back in Utrecht again and has re-
sumed his activities as head of the Cor
respondent Banking Department.
At the Foreign Offices Department we
welcomed Hans van de Weerd. Hans has
worked with the Auditing Department for
many years. He will initially devote his time
to streamlining the reporting from the for-
eign-based offices to Head Office. We ex-
pect a reallocation of duties within the For
eign Offices Department later in the year,
when Hans will become the liaison officer
for a number of foreign branches or sub-
In March and April next year an experi
ment will be carried out with a live TV
news broadcast for the Rabobank Group
in the Netherlands. The bank's own Audio-
visual Services Department will produce
a news programme almost daily which
will be transmitted by satelllte.
In the spring of 1990 equipment will be in-
stalled on an experimental basis in forty
local banks and branches of Rabobank Ne
derland. Four days a week - from Tuesday
to Friday - the Audiovisual Services De
partment will transmit the latest Rabobank
news live from the head office in Eind
hoven. The live TV news will be transmit
ted by satellite to the disk aerials on the
roofs of the banks involved in the experi
ment. The local banks concerned can
answer the question of whether the quality
of the staff is increased by a live TV news
and whether their commercial efficiency
improves. The experiment will also have to
Bert Tielemans (r): 'The bank's own Audiovisual
Services Department will produce a news pro-
gramme almost daily which will be transmitted
by satellite.
show whether the information is to-the-
point and reaches the employees quickly
enough and whether the news broadcasts
can play an effective role in drawing atten-
tion to other internal media. If the experi
ment is successful, then in 1991 all Rabo
bank employees in the Netherlands will be
able to watch the live TV news broadcast
daily before starting work.
Edttorial staff
Stan Polman and Thea Mutsaers-Fibbe
(Editorial Department)
Cees van Rest and Ton van Iperen
(International Division)
Editorial address
Rabobank Nederland
Maike Wit, editorial secretary
P.O. Box 17100
3500 HG Utrecht
The Netherlands
UC-B 552
Tel (030) 90 2083
Fax (030) 901904
Henk Adams (Indonesia), Maus Barendrecht
(Spain), Teun de Boon (Brazil), Jos van Boxel
(Australia), Cora Gelbstein (United Kingdom),
Otmar Heinz (Germany), Ad van Hienen
(Luxembourg), Raymond Koh (Singapore),
André Bar (France), Tat la Porte (Netherlands
Antilies), Sjouke Postma (Hong Kong), Frans
van het Schip (De Lage Landen), Cees Jansen
(Italy), Hoyte Sillevis Smitt (Switzerland), Karl
Stoops (Belgium), Mia van de Ven (USA)
Designed and prlnted by
Hoonte Holland, Utrecht
Rabobank Nederland Translation
London/United Kingdom
New York/USA
Singapore/Republic of Singapore
Representative Offices:
Hong Kong
Sao Paulo/Brazil
San Francisco/USA
ADCA-Bank AG/Federal Republic of Germany
Head Office: Frankfurt am Main. Branches in:
Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Ham
burg, Hanover, Munich and Stuttgart
Rabobank Curagao NV
Willemstad/Curacao, Netherlands Antilies
Rabobank Luxembourg SA
Rabolnvest Management AG
Rabobank Asia Ltd.
NedShip Bank
New York/USA
Curagao/Netherlands Antilles
DLL Financial Services
Düsseldorf/Federal Republic of Germany
The first International Operations Man
agers Conference was held from 3 to 6 De
cember. The operations managers from the
foreign branches and subsidiaries gathered
in Utrecht, where they met their colleagues
from Rabobank Nederland and exchanged
ideas for improving the international pay-
ments going through the Rabobank offices
in the Netherlands and abroad. The meet
ing started off on Sunday with a trip to the
port of Rotterdam. In the after-
noon the Group visited the
most important football game
of the year between Feyenoord
and PSV, two Dutch top teams.
On Tuesday, December 5, they
were visited by Sinterklaas, the
Dutch Santa Claus, a holy
saint and friend of all Dutch
children. Sinterklaas welcomed
the Operations Managers as
members of his flock and gave
them the traditional gifts such
as marzipan, ginger nuts and