Developments determine policy in existing and new European offices band After 1992 Europe's internal frontiers will be open for the free movement of persons, goods and services. For banks, too, the situation will change. Rabobank already has a presence in West Germany, the UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg, Ita- ly and France. An agreement was recently concluded with the Banco Popular in Spain aimed at expanding our services to Dutch customers. In France, too, there are plans for increasing the number of offices. Regional basis in France Electronic mail links foreign-based offices with the Netherlands ftniiu Issue 5/December 13, 1989 Cees van Rest: 'Our next step in France would be a branch...' Outside the Netherlands, Rabobank is represented in eight countries in Europe. For the time being, Portu gal is followed from Madrid and Ireland is included in London's area of operations. ■nevelopments continue. Regional 'We will have to do something in France. We have a representative office in Paris. The next step would be a branch. That's a must, for the contacts of Dutch customers in the agribusiness call for it', says Cees van Rest of the Foreign Offices Department. Consideration is also being given to having four or five bases in the re- gions. 'In France, the agribusiness is re gional in structure. In these regions we really ought to have a specific offices. In this respect you have to think of an LPO construction with commercial people in the vanguard. The business would then be pro- cessed via Paris. This means you need people who speak the language of the re- gion, are located there and also have con tacts with customers. That is one of the possibilities.' Business market With its European of fices, Rabobank - just as with its offices in other parts of the world - aims at the busi ness market and not at private funds transfers. That would require so many facil- ities that competition with local banks would be a lost cause right from the start. In cooperation with one of these local banks the services can, of course, be set up on a somewhat more extensive basis. The collaboration recently started with the Banco Popular in Spain is an example of this. By means of this local bank, we can prevent a customer in Spain from starting to do business with another bank. Agree- ments have been made with the Banco Popular, for example, about the profit allo- cation. In the same way as in Spain, a rep resentative office was recently opened in Italy. We are considering which construc tion will be best for expanding the services in that country. The ADCA-Bank In West Germany, the ADCA-Bank is really on the move. The head office in Frankfurt is housed in three pre- mises. All the departments are shortly to be accommodated in one building. In addi- tion, the ADCA-Bank is going to aim at 'Pri- vatkundengeschaft', that is, banking ser vices to wealthy private customers. Invest- Telephone lines, fax and time differ- ences influence the quality of communi- cation between the foreign-based offices and the Netherlands. In response to this Rabobank has opted for an electronic mail system. When the staff of the Foreign Offices De partment switch on their PCs in the morn- ing they see on their sereens whether there are any messages in the mailbox. These messages, which arrivé electron- ically, can be printed directly. Requests for credit, sometimes amounting to between seven and ten pages, used to come in by fax and were not always clearly legible. Now, if a credit request is made on a PC anywhere in the world, this can be transmitted directly by an on-line link to the PCs in Utrecht. That makes things much more attractive for the members of the Credit Committee. In addition, the in- formation reaches its destination more Rabobank in Paris. ment advice and agency services. That will be possible in every office. This links up with the services supplied by Rabobank in Luxembourg, Switzerland and Singapore. Exploratory activities Russia and the Middle East are on the 'list for attention'. We are currently examining what possibil ities exist, whether new opportunities will occur, how banking is organized in the USSR, what the other foreign banks are doing and, in particular, what contacts Rabobank customers have with Russian businessmen. The Middle East is still a blank on the map. Turkey is a country on the way up. It wants to join the European Community. Tourism is developing rapidly there. The Foreign Offices Department is finding out about the 'new' countries in Europe, where opportunities are likely to arise in the future. quickly and this method costs less than faxing. Above all, the optimum quality is important. Electronic mail is already operational in Singapore and New York. Tests are being carried out in London, and both Hong Kong and Jakarta have the software in-house. Early next year all the offices will be 'on the air'. Hans van Zanten, the man of electronic mail.

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

blad 'Raboband International' (EN) | 1989 | | pagina 7