In memory
of Jan Scherphof
Education in New York
Rabobank all over the world
Issue 4/September 22, 1989
International Dlvlslon
Rik van Slingelandt has been appointed
General Manager International Division ef-
fective from July 1, 1989, succeeding
Henk Visser who has been appointed Gen
eral Manager of the Corporate Banking Di
Henk Gentis has been appointed
Deputy General Manager International Divi
sion effective from September 1, 1989.
As General Manager London Branch he is
succeeded by Willem van Lynden, who has
been headingthe Rotterdam Branch.
Frans van Bijsterveld moved to the Cor
porate Banking Division as Head of the
Agribusiness Group, effective from Sep
tember 1, 1989, succeeding Arnout van
Schelven who will then succeed Ron van
den Brink as Head of National and Interna
tional Corporate Relations.
Niek Streefkerk, Head of Agri-Project
Financing, moved his activities to the
Corporate Banking Division on September
1, 1989.
Jacqueline ie Moignier joined the North
and South Europe Desk, coming from
Paris where she was our Representative.
Dick Strijbos, Area Manager within the
Far East Desk, left our organization.
Maus Barendrecht has been appointed
our Representative in Madrid. He was
Head of the North and South Europe
Just a few hours separated him from his
great ideal, managing the Representative
Office of Rabobank Nederland in Italy,
when he was suddenly and unexpectedly
taken from this life. We were dazed when
we heard the staggering news from Milan
that, in all truth, no-one could believe. We
knew Jan, who for 18 years served
Rabobank with enthusiasm, as an inspiring
and inventive colleague. It was no coinci-
dence, therefore, that in 1988 Jan became
involved with the further internationaliz-
ation of our bank. There was an additional
side to this - his great interest in and love
for Italy, both of which he shared with his
wife. The country, the people, the language
and the culture were all described by Jan
with great fervour. The last weeks in the
Netherlands took on an Italian flavour
thanks to his frequent and precise use of
the language, whilst in Italy the Italians
had already come to accept him as one of
them. Unfortunately, he was not to realize
the many plans that he had in both the
business and private sphere. We are con-
vinced that, together with his wife, Jan
would have had much success in Italy and
regret that this opportunity is to be denied
them. We will all seriously miss this very
good colleague and will continue to re-
member him.
'Lui ha incominciato, ma non ha avuto la
l'opportunita di finire'.
Balder Schumacher is our Interim Rep
resentative in Milan pending the appoint-
ment of a permanent Representative as
successor of Jan Scherphof, who passed
away unexpectedly.
André Bar is our appointed Representa
tive in Paris. Before that he was Account
Manager in our London Branch.
Jacques Jansen, General Manager of
the Branch has been appointed General
Manager of the Eindhoven Regional Office,
effective from Januari 1, 1990.
Karei Plasman, now responsible for
commercial activities, will be the new Gen
eral Manager.
Ot Quast joined the Corporate Banking
team in London as Account Manager, moving
from Utrecht where he was Area Manager
within the North and South Europe Desk.
Klaus Peter Geis joined the bank on
May 15, 1989, as Treasury Manager in
Ton van Acken has been appointed
Manager of the Stuttgart Branch effective
from May 1, 1989.
In Munich Martin Bakker joined ADCA-
BANK on August 1, 1989, as Account Man
Henk Voskamp joined ADCA-BANK on
August 1, 1989 as Account Manager of
the Frankfurt Branch.
Arjan den Heijer will leave Hamburg be
fore the end of the year to become Man
ager of the Rotterdam Branch.
Since the inception of the New York Branch,
a strong commitment has been made to
the ongoing development and education of
staff members. This was in response to the
need to understand the ever-changing mar-
ket in which the Branch operates. In an ef-
fort to remain competitive with other insti-
tutions, and to enhance productivity in the
organization, educationai development has
always been a priority item. Rabobank's
New York Branch has long been a supporter
of the American Institute of Banking, the
banking education arm of the American
Banker's Association. Certificate programs
are offered in various banking programs. In
addition, seminars are offered ranging from
practical applications of Lqtus software pro
grams to complex capital market topics.
Credits earned at the Institute are recog-
nized by local colleges and universities to-
ward degree programs. During any given
semester, several employees of the Branch
are usually enrolled in the certificate pro
gram offered by the Institute. The New York
Branch has made a unique contribution to
the Institute which does not involve a finarv
cial contribution or student enrollment.
Among the prominent members of the fac-
ulty of the Institute the Bank boasts some
Staff members: Anthony D'Anna, John
Grieco and Nathaniel Schneider. This is by
far the largest percentage of faculty per
bank given the employee size of banks as-
sociated with the Institute.
Editorial staff
Stan Polman and Thea Mutsaers-Fibbe
(Editorial Department)
Cees van Rest and Bernard Wentrup
"(International Division)
Editorial address
Rabobank Nederland
Maike Wit, editorial secretary
P.O. Box 17100
3500 HG Utrecht
The Netherlands
UC-B 552
Tel. (030) 902083
Fax (030) 901904
Henk Adams (Indonesia), Maus Barendrecht
(Spain), Teun de Boon (Brazil), Jos van Boxel
(Australia), Cora Gelbstein (United Kingdom),
Otmar Heinz (Germany), Ad van Hienen
(Luxembourg), Raymond Koh (Singapore),
André Bar (France), Tat la Porte (Netherlands
Antilies), Sjouke Postma (Hong Kong), Frans
van het Schip (De Lage Landen), Balder
Schumacher (Italy), Hoyte Sillevis Smitt
(Switzerland), Karl Stoops (Belgium), Mia van
de Ven (USA)
Designed and printed by
Hoonte-Holland, Utrecht
Rabobank Nederland Translation
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Singapore/Republic of Singapore
Representative Offices:
Hong Kong
Sao Paulo/Brazil
San Francisco/USA
ADCA-BANK AG/Federal Republic of Germany
Head Office: Frankfurt am Main. Branches in:
Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Ham
burg, Hanover, Munich and Stuttgart
Rabobank Curapao NV
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Rabobank Luxembourg SA
Rabolnvest Management AG
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NedShip Bank
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Willemstad/Curagao, Netherlands Antilies
DLL Financial Services
Dusseldorf/Federal Republic of Germany
London/United Kingdom