Inhoudsopgave Voorwoord Bestuursverslag Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 edtf 5 Rabobank's Chief Risk Officer (CRO) is member of the Executive Board and has no management or financial responsibility related to any operational business lines or revenue-generating functions. The CRO is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the bank's risk management function.This includes the ongoing strengthening of staff skills and enhancements to risk management systems, policies, processes, quantitative models and reports as necessary to ensure the bank's risk management capabilities are sufficiently robust and effective to fully support its strategic objectives and all of its risk-taking activities. The Supervisory Board is responsible for the supervision of the Executive Board with regard to their execution of risk profile, risk policies and risk management activities.The Supervisory Board Risk Committee consists of members of the Supervisory Board and supports the Supervisory Board in preparing its decision making in relation to its supervision. Rabobank has established different risk committees to monitor and enforce Rabobank's risk management framework and risk appetite. These risk committees are chaired by Chief Risk Officers or other representatives of the Risk Management function. The responsibilities of the risk committees are defined in their respective Terms of Reference (ToR) which includes members and modalities such as frequency, quorum and decision-making process. The Risk Management function is (voting) member in a number of other committees such as the Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) and the Liquidity Reporting Committee at group level. Since the Risk Management function is not chairing these committees, these are not part of the second line risk management committee structure. Risk Management Committee (RMC) Group The RMC Group is mandated by the Executive Board to oversee the implementation of the risk management framework for Rabobank Group, to be the ultimate arbiter on the assessment of risks and to act as the guardian of the risks taken by the bank. RMC Group is amongst others responsible for advising the Executive Board on the risk appetite statement of Rabobank Group, enforcing Rabobank's risk appetite framework and monitoring risk exposures against risk limits, and monitoring the aggregated risk profile of Rabobank Group. The RMC Group ensures the global risk framework is up to date, as required by law and external regulations and internal regulations of Rabobank.The RMC Group consists of three members from the Executive Board, including the CRO, and representatives of the Risk Management function, Finance Control and Compliance (Chief Compliance Officer). The RMC Group reports to Rabobank's Executive Board. The RMC Group has delegated specific risk management tasks to a number of sub-committees: risk position and content committees. Risk domain committees - RMC Wholesale Rural Retail (RMC WRR) - for risks taken byWRR. - RMC Retail NL - for risks taken by Retail NL. - RMC Ops IT - for risks taken in the Chief Operational Officers'domain, with a particular focus on operational and IT risks. - RMCTreasury - for risks taken in financial markets and treasury activities. Risk content committees - Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) - for regulatory monitoring. - Model Governance Committee (MGC) - for material model risks, including capital models. - Stress Testing Committee (STC) - for capital stress testing. - Financial Economic Crime Committee (FECC)- for Financial Economic Crime (FEC) activities. - Country Limits Committee (CLC) - for country limits. - ComplexTransactions Committee (CTC) - transactions or products which may present a reputation risk because of its complex nature. Transactional committees - Central Credit Committee Rabobank Group (CCCRG) - credit proposals exceeding the authority of'lower'committees. Credit Approvals Local Rabobanks (CA LB) -credit proposals exceeding the authority of a Local Rabobank. Credit Approvals Wholesale Rural Retail (CA WRR) - credit proposals exceeding the authority of FGH, DLL or a Wholesale Rural Retail (WRR) office. - Credit Committee Financial Institutions (CCFI) - transactions resulting in claims on a financial institution. The counterparty risk limits on Fl are based on a proposal by the Credit Fl department in cooperation with the commercial departments concerned. - Credit Committee Financial Restructuring Recovery (CC-FR&R) - credit proposals for qualified (Substandard, Doubtful, Loss) obligors. - Loan Loss Provision Committee (LLPC) - development of qualified credit and asset portfolios and provision for obligors, directly advises the EB. 316 Rabobank Jaarverslag 2016

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