Inhoudsopgave Voorwoord Bestuursverslag Corporate governance Examples include postponements of repayments and extensions of the term of a facility. The rationale for the focus on this portfolio derives from the concerns of European regulators about the deterioration of the quality of the portfolio; it is feared that forbearance measures might camouflage this deterioration of the portfolio as debtors are able to meet their financial obligations for longer periods as a result of the concessions. The identification of forbearance measures for the corporate portfolio is based on the current Loan Quality Classification framework, with forbearance measures only applying to the classified portfolio. If forbearance measures are applied to a debtor, the debtor falls, by definition, under the supervision of the Special Asset Management department. Lastly, items in the forbearance category must be reported for up to two years after their recovery from 'non-performing'to 'performing'.This period of two years is referred to as 'Forborne under probation'. For the accounting policy regarding derecognition of financial assets please refer to section 2.9 'Securitisations and (de)recognition of financial assets and liabilities'. 3.5 Currency risk in the banking environment Currency risk is the risk that the bank's financial result and/ or economic value will be negatively affected by changes in exchange rates. Rabobank is exposed to the effect of fluctuations in exchange rates on its financial position and cash flows. In the trading environment, currency risk, like other market risks, is managed on the basis ofValue at Risk (VaR) limits set by the Executive Board. In the banking environment, there is a currency risk in the banking books and a translation risk. Currency risk in the banking books is the risk that manifests itself at the moment receivables and liabilities are not covered, due to which currency fluctuations may have a negative impact on the financial results of the bank. Rabobank's policy is to fully hedge the material currency risk on the banking books. Translation risk becomes evident when the bank's consolidated balance sheet and results are prepared, whereby all items in foreign currencies must be valued in euros.This makes the financial data sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations. Translation risk manifests itself in two different ways within Rabobank: Exchange rate fluctuations can potentially affect the value of consolidated entities of which the functional currencies are not euros. Exchange rate fluctuations may affect the solvency ratios of Rabobank as a result of differences in the exchange rate composition of the capital and the risk-weighted assets. Translation risk and currency risks in the banking books are monitored and managed on the basis of a policy which serves the prime purpose of protecting the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio against the adverse effects of exchange rate volatility. Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 3.6 Interest rate risk in the banking environment 'Interest rate risk in the banking environment' refers to the risk that the financial results and/or the economic value of the banking book are adversely affected by changes in market interest rates. Interest rate risk at Rabobank arises as a result of repricing and maturity mismatches between loans and funding, and optionality in client products. Customer behaviour is an important determining factor with respect to interest rate risk in the banking environment. The modelling of customer behaviour is therefore one of the core elements of the interest rate risk framework. There are behavioural models in place for mortgage prepayments, savings accounts and current accounts. Movements in interest rates may also affect the creditworthiness of customers. Higher interest rates might for example lead to higher borrowing costs and, hence, have a negative impact on the creditworthiness of a customer. Any such effects are however regarded as credit risk rather than interest rate risk. Rabobank accepts a certain amount of interest rate risk in the banking environment; this is a fundamental part of banking. But at the same time the bank also aims to avoid unexpected material fluctuations in the financial result and the economic value as a result of interest rate fluctuations. The Executive Board, overseen by the Supervisory Board, therefore annually approves the interest rate risk appetite and the corresponding interest rate risk limits. At group level, Rabobank's interest rate risk is managed by the Asset and Liability Committee Rabobank Group chaired by the Chief Financial Officer. The Treasury is responsible for implementing the decisions of this committee, while Risk Management is responsible for measuring and reporting the interest rate risk position. The definition used for managing interest rate risk varies from the IFRS definition of equity. For interest rate risk management, the economic value of equity is defined as the present value of the assets less the present value of the liabilities together with the present value of the off-balance-sheet items.Through the use of hedge accounting and because a large proportion of the balance sheet is carried at amortised cost (in IFRS terms) and (except from the inherent counterparty risk) is therefore not exposed to value changes, the effects of the value changes on IFRS capital will largely impact only interest income. 275 Notes to the company financial statements

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 276