35 Net fee and commission income 34 Net interest income 36 Income from investments in associates and joint ventures 37 Gains/ (losses) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Inhoudsopgave Voorwoord Bestuursverslag Corporate governance Consolidated Financial Statements Company Financial Statements Pillar 3 De Lage Landen Participacoes Limitada 2016 2015 Capitalised interest attributable to qualifying assets amounted Revenues 70 82 Net profit 26 25 to 20 [201 b: 21I ne average interest rate applied in Other comprehensive income determining interest charges to be capitalized ranges between Total comprehensive income 26 25 1.0% and 5.5% (2015: between 1.0% and 5.59 6).The interest income on impaired financial assets accrued is 201 (2015: 85). Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 9 12 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 20 13 Financial assets 1,322 1,088 Other assets 118 82 Financial liabilities 1,095 931 Other liabilities 38 32 in millions of euros 2016 2015 Fee and commission income aglu Finance bNL is located in Beauvais, France, and Asset management 25 44 Rabobank has a capital and voting right interest of 51.0°/i 3. Insurance commissions 259 325 The non-controllina interests with reaard to this entitv amount Lending 581 545 to 89 (2015: 78). The following financial data apply: Purchase and sale of other financial assets and handling fees 391 326 Payment services 734 740 AGCO Finance SNC 2016 2015 Custodial fees and securities services 2 7 Revenues 41 39 Other commission income 185 140 Net profit 20 20 Total fee and commission income 2,177 2,127 Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 20 20 Fee and commission expense Purchase and sale of other financial assets 16 8 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 10 10 Payment services 23 35 Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 9 7 Custodial fees and securities services 10 11 Handling fees 50 35 Financial assets 1,333 1,311 Other commission expense 160 146 Other assets 51 41 Total fee and commission expense 259 235 Financial liabilities 1,182 1,179 Net fee and commission income 1,918 1,892 Other liabilities 18 13 in millions of euros 2016 2015 in millions of euros 2016 2015 Interest income Rabobank share of profit of associates and joint Cash and balances at central banks 190 103 ventures 44 351 Loans and advances to banks 293 338 Result on disposal of investments in associates and joint ventures 62 Financial assets held for trading 45 75 Income from investments in associates and Financial assets designated at fair value 25 52 joint ventures 106 351 Loans and advances to customers 16,207 17,271 Available-for-sale financial assets 861 938 Derivatives held as economic hedges (1,345) (1,266) Interest income on financial liabilities with a negative interest rate 74 16 Other 88 66 Total interest income 16,438 17,593 Interest expense Due to banks 422 452 in millions of euros 2016 2015 Financial liabilities held for trading 10 17 Gains/ (losses) on financial assets and liabilities Due to customers 2,445 3,033 held for trading and from derivatives held or Debt securities in issue 3,467 3,796 issued for trading 288 164 Other liabilities 727 603 Gains/ (losses) on other financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 19 30 Financial liabilities designated at fair value 362 466 Gains/ (losses) on other financial liabilities Interest expense on financial assets with a designated at fair value through profit or loss negative interest rate 249 72 and derivatives used to hedge the interest rate Other 13 15 risk of those financial liabilities 240 569 Total interest expense 7,695 8,454 Impairments (160) Net interest income 8,743 9,139 Total gains/ (losses) on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 547 603 235 Notes to the consolidated financial statements

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2016 | | pagina 236