llllll.ll Inhoudsopgave Bestuursverslag Corporate governance Jaarrekening Rabobank Groep Jaarrekening Rabobank Table 57: Funding mix (in billion) Access to funding 31-12-2015 31-12-2014 Funds entrusted 337.6 326.3 Domestic retail 212.4 208.9 - Private individuals savings 117.1 119.9 - Private individuals others 13.3 13.0 - Businesses 82.1 76.0 Domestic non-retail1 51.2 45.7 - Private individuals savings 0.0 0.0 - Private individuals others 0.0 0.3 - Businesses 51.2 45.5 International2 74.0 71.6 - Private individuals savings 23.5 22.7 - Private individuals others 8.0 7.9 - Businesses 42.5 41.0 Wholesale funding 203.1 216.5 Short-term wholesale funding 53.1 56.2 - CD/CP 48.0 51.6 - ABCP 5.1 4.6 Long-term wholesale funding 150.0 160.3 - Of which Medium Term Notes 119.4 131.7 - Of which RMBS 14.4 16.6 - Of which subordinated 15.5 11.9 - Of which Asset Backed Securities 0.7 0.2 In 2015, Rabobank issued 19 billion of senior unsecured long- term bonds in 22 different currencies. By operating on a global scale, the bank aims to avoid becoming too reliant on a single source of funding. The average maturity of the newly issued unsecured long-term bonds is approximately 5 years (2014: 4 years). Of the total wholesale funding, excluding commercial paper and certificates of deposit, more than 51 billion matures after five years or more as of year-end 2015. Rabobank is a frequent and flexible issuer of short-term debt securities and has seen a solid inflow of funds in the past years, reflecting its good creditworthiness. The maturity of the short-term debt has decreased in the past twelve months. During 2015, the average maturity of short-term funding decreased with one day to 90 (2014: 91) days. Additional contractual obligations in case of a rating downgrade In the event of a downgrade to Rabobank's credit rating, the bank could be required to provide additional collateral. Table 58 shows the potential maximum outflow of liquidity in the worst-case scenario in the event of a one, two or three notch downgrade. 1 Amounts to 10 million both in 2014 and 2015. 2 Of the total international funds entrusted, 30 (30) billion is attributable to International Direct Retail Banking activities. Figure 8: Unsecured long-term bonds by currency Figure 9: Maturity date calendar Unsecured long-term bonds by currency, at year-end 2015 Maturity date calendar, short-term wholesale funding at year-end 2015, in billions of euros 1 week Euro 55% 1 week -1 month US dollar 15% 2-3 months I Japanese yen 7% 4-6 months Australian dollar 7% 7-12 months I Pound sterling 6% 12 months Other 10% Maturity date calendar, long-term wholesale funding at year-end 2015, in billions of euros CslfMCMfMfMCsltN OOOOOOOOOOO fMCMCMfMfMfMCMfN(N<N<N 375 10. Liquidity risk

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Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 376