Inhoudsopgave Bestuursverslag Corporate governance The day-to-day focus of RM FM revolves around risk assessment and recommendation, primarily with regard to credit and market risks and surveillance of Markets and Treasury activities. The department also takes the lead in working with these departments to agree on the overall risk parameters for each separate business area. Structurally, the department operates through four regional hubs - Utrecht, London, New York and Hong Kong. In addition, RM FM incorporates an Advisory team, tasked with maintaining and further developing a robust integrated risk management framework for the financial markets business of Rabobank. It supports RM FM, the Markets and Treasury departments and senior management by providing consolidated global risk reporting, and maintenance of policies and risk methodologies. The team is also involved in providing regulatory reports, supporting the Bank in regulatory initiatives like Asset Quality Review, EBA stress testing, Volcker, Swap dealer registration and liaising with the regulators on relevant topics. Credit analysis From a counterparty credit risk policy and credit review perspective the main counterparty groups are: Banks, Non-Banks Financial Institutions including central counterparties (CCP), sovereigns and corporates. In general the parameters to determine a derivative limit (which covers both derivatives and security finance transactions) are the counterparty rating, the close-out netting documentation, collateral documentation, product restrictions and regulatory requirements. These parameters, amongst others, form the input to a derivative limit amount with a specified tenor. Credit risk measurement The credit risk that relates to a derivative product does not remain static over time due to the movement of underlying market factors. In order to address the impact of these changes in market factors Rabobank measures Potential Future Exposure (PFE) on derivative financial products on a confidence level of 97.5%. Rabobank measures credit exposure as the replacement cost at given time points over the life of the transaction under the assumption that market rates move adversely. Rabobank uses a Monte Carlo simulation approach for calculating Potential Future Exposure (PFE) for the majority of the portfolio. For a few smaller portfolios an add-on approach is applied.The same Monte Carlo simulation is also the basis of the Internal Model Method (IMM) used to calculate EAD for regulatory and economic capital calculations. Rabobank received DNB approval to use IMM to calculate regulatory capital since 2011. Jaarrekening Rabobank Groep Jaarrekening Rabobank In the Monte Carlo approach the market risk factors (interest and foreign exchange rates, credit spreads, equity spots and commodity futures) influencing the value of the derivatives contract are simulated forward in time based on a suitably chosen stochastic process for that risk factor. The parameters of this process are calibrated based on historical market data (up to eight years of history when available and an even longer history for interest rate mean reversion parameters). The latest daily close of market values form the starting point of the simulation. Based on the simulated values, trades are repriced (full revaluation) and the position towards the counterparty is determined, including where allowed netting and margining. Back testing of the simulations is performed on an annual basis. The exposure relating to a transaction or portfolio of transactions is shown in Rabobank exposure monitoring systems on a gross basis unless there is confidence that the counterparty and jurisdiction domicile is one where netting is legally enforceable. The exposure of a portfolio of transactions can be calculated on a net basis if Rabobank has entered into a bilateral close out netting agreement and the counterparty is domiciled in a netting friendly jurisdiction. When a close out netting agreement is in place, an additional collateral agreement can reduce the counterparty credit risk, which is taken into account into the PFE calculation. The outcome of the collateralized exposure calculation is dependent on the agreed collateral agreement parameters and the current exposure. Where there is an executed Credit Support Annex (CSA) and confidence in its effectiveness (internal and external counsel opinion is sought), this is taken into account for exposure measurement. However, also netting with a CSA still generates exposures. For derivatives with daily margining a minimum 10 day Margin Period of Risk (MPOR) is assumed, for securities finance netting sets with daily margining the MPOR is assumed to be a minimum of 5 days. The minimum MPOR can be increased in case of illiquid collateral or derivatives, two or more disputes that occurred within a particular timeframe (2 quarters) or a netting set contains more than 5000 trades (CCPs are excluded from the 5000 trades cut-off). The increase is only applied in the regulatory run (increasing effect in exposures) and ignored in the day to day PFE calculations. The monitoring of exposure generated by derivative products covers nearly the complete group. This capability enables regular and on-going management information to be available to senior management. The underlying models are yearly back tested to test the performance of the underlying models. Any observed inefficiencies in the stochastic models will be taken into account in the recalibration. 347 6. Credit Risk

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 348