5.3 Economic Capital Inhoudsopgave Bestuursverslag Corporate governance At year-end 2015, the Regulatory Capital requirement of Rabobank Group was 17.0 (16.9) billion. The Regulatory Capital requirement for credit risk and market risk is in line with the Regulatory Capital Requirement as peryear-end 2014. Regulatory Capital Requirement for operational risk increased due to the improved registration of operational events. A more granular overview of the capital requirements can be found in Appendix 14.2 (CRR438c,d). edtf 16 In Table 4 until Table 6 the flow statements of the RWEA for the different risk types are shown. Table 4: RWEA Credit Risk Credit Risk RWEA at 31 December 2014 183,650 Model adjustments 6,740 Business volume incl FX (5,628) (Des) investments (1,130) RWEA at 31 December 2015 183,632 Table 5: RWEA Market Risk Market Risk RWEA at 31 December 2014 5,091 CVA (245) Other 102 RWEA at 31 December 2015 4,948 Jaarrekening Rabobank Groep Jaarrekening Rabobank weighing of risk against return. A series of models has been developed to assess the risks incurred by Rabobank Group. These models concern credit, transfer, operational, interest rate and market risk. Market risk breaks down into trading book, private equity, currency, real estate and residual value risk.These EC models also form the core of the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP). The Economic Capital increased to 26.7 (23.4) billion. The increase was mainly due to the removal of diversification between risk categories in the EC framework. Economic capital by risk category at year-end 2015 I Credit and transfer risk 54% I Operational and business risk 19% I Interest rate and market risk 17% I Other risks 10% Table 6: RWEA Operational Risk Operational Risk RWEA at 31 December 2014 23,129 Improved registration 1,382 RWEA at 31 December 2015 24,511 In addition to Regulatory Capital, Rabobank Group also uses an internal capital requirement.This Economic Capital (EC) framework is used as key metric for internal risk measurement and management.The main difference between EC and RC is that the calculation of the Economic Capital takes into account all the material risks for which Rabobank considers a capital reserve necessary. Rabobank also assumes a higher confidence level (99.99%) than is used for Regulatory Capital (99.90%). A broad spectrum of risks is measured consistently to gain an understanding of these risks and to enable a rational Figure 2: Economic Capital by risk category. Qualifying capital The available qualifying capital of 49.4 (45.1) billion, that the bank retains to compensate for potential losses, was above the level of the total external and internal capital requirements. This buffer underlines the financial solidity of Rabobank Group. The Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC), is calculated by relating the net profit to the average Economic Capital during a year. In Table 7 the RAROC and Economic Capital are shown. The RAROC of WRR is negatively impacted in 2015 because of the goodwill impairment of EUR 0.6 billion on RNA. In 2014 the real estate loan impairment charges were significant. In 2015 the real estate results recovered mainly due to less loan impairment charges which resulted in a higher RAROC. 333 5. Capital management

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

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