Inhoudsopgave Bestuursverslag Corporate governance The models are the basis for internal measures of risk (economic capital) and are at the same time key inputs for calculation of the minimum regulatory capital requirements according to the Basel framework. All internal models are validated by the independent Model Validation department. Validation guidelines are specified to ensure objectivity, consistency, transparency and continuity. Models are validated according to these principles and reviewed against internal requirements and regulatory requirements. Model results are back-tested against historical loss data. Where relevant, external benchmark studies are used to support the calibration of parameters. Models require formal internal approval before implementation and use is allowed. Final internal approval for the (continued) use of a model is obtained from the Model Governance Committee (MGC), a subcommittee of the Risk Management Committee (RMC) Group. External approval is obtained from the regulator. Credit risk models The bank uses internal models to estimate Probability of Default (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD) and Exposure at Default (EAD) parameters.These models are embedded in the credit approval and internal reporting processes and are used to measure the credit risk in exposures to individual clients and portfolios.The same parameters are also used to calculate risk- adjusted return on capital, economic capital and the minimum regulatory capital requirements under the Basel Advanced Internal Ratings Based (AIRB) approach. Operational risk models Operational risk loss events are systematically collected and analysed on a bank-wide basis. Operational risk assessments are key in systematically assessing operational risks in ongoing business and in proposed changes. Progress on outstanding operational risk issues is monitored through issue management and action tracking. Operational risk exposures are analysed and reported to senior management to support decision-making. Market risk models Value-at-Risk (VaR) models are used to measure market risk of exposures in both the banking and the trading book. Value- at-Risk is used for the internal monitoring and reporting of positions relative to the limits determined in the risk appetite. In addition to VaR, other instruments to measure market risk are used as well, e.g. Equity at Risk, Income at Risk, basis point value and sensitivity and stress scenarios. Jaarrekening Rabobank Groep Jaarrekening Rabobank 4.4.2 Stress testing edtf 8 Stress testing is an important risk management tool that provides a forward-looking assessment of risk and assists in the optimization of risk capital and liquidity buffers. It enables the exploration of vulnerabilities in business models whilst overcoming the limitations of risk models and historical data. At Rabobank, stress testing forms an essential part of the risk management framework. Stress tests are used to measure the impact of extreme, but yet plausible events. Where necessary, measures are taken on the basis of the results of the stress tests that are in line with Rabobank's risk appetite. Stress test governance Given the importance of stress testing in terms of regulatory compliance and sound risk management the stress testing process and governance warrants the involvement of senior management up to the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Rabobank. The Executive Board of Rabobank is ultimately responsible for the Rabobank StressTesting Framework and its execution, where the RMC Group acts as the delegated principal in cooperation with the ALCO Group. In this context, the Executive Board with representatives in the RMC Group and ALCO Group, represents the management body. Accountabilities and decisions RMC Group related to stress testing Oversee group-wide stress testing process (including: definition of methodology, formulation of scenarios); Consider the impact and implications of the result of stress testing on profit and loss and capital requirements in the context of risk appetite; Embed stress testing in forward-looking risk management and decision making processes (including development of capital planning, establishment of risk appetite, improvement of risk management framework, review of portfolios or complementary tools of Risk Models); Enhance communication on stress testing results with the entities. Decisions Sign-off group-wide stress tests; Approve scenarios used for group-wide stress testing concerning capital adequacy and reviewing and challenging the group-wide stress testing results; Determine mitigation actions and strategies based on the results of stress testing. 326 Rabobank Jaarverslag 2015

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 327