Inhoudsopgave Bestuursverslag Corporate governance pace with external and internal developments and are combined with internal informative campaigns. Lessons Learned in which learning from mistakes is a recurring activity with respect to undesired operational risk and credit risk events. Sharing experiences is encouraged in order to avoid repetition in other parts of the organisation. Risk appetite edtf 7 The Risk Appetite Statements (RAS) are aligned with the risk strategy and defines the types and levels of risk which Rabobank is willing to take in order to achieve its business objectives. Risk appetite, is among other things, defined in terms of: Minimum levels for capital ratios; Liquidity ratios; Concentration limits for asset classes and industry sectors; Market risk ratios; Operational Risk ratios. The risk appetite at Rabobank Group level is an integral part of the bank's strategy. Entity-specific risk appetite statements further specify the Group risk appetite at entity level. The RAS is articulated by the Risk Management department and is approved by the Executive and Supervisory Board.The risk appetite is embedded within principles, policies and limits across the Group. The RAS are monitored by benchmarking the actual and forecasted risk profiles against the risk appetite and are discussed on a monthly basis in the Executive Board and Supervisory Board Risk Committee. This ensures that day-to-day operations are executed within the boundaries that are set by the business and risk strategy. Breaches of the risk appetite will result in immediate action at the appropriate management level.The risk appetite is reviewed annually by the Executive and Supervisory Board. Significant risks and developments edtf 3 Rabobank keeps track on external developments and closely monitors the risks that might affect the achievement of organisational objectives. Regularly top-down and bottom-up risk assessments are performed in a structured manner to identify various types of risks and specific stress tests are being conducted to calculate the impact of adverse scenarios. The integral overview of the main risks, the changes in them and the measures taken are regularly discussed in the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. Jaarrekening Rabobank Groep Jaarrekening Rabobank Banking is taking risks. When business opportunities are pursued, options explored, decisions taken, at the same time risks are assessed. Rabobank daily takes informed risk decisions on credit granting, entering interest rate contracts and in its other services to customers.To control the material risks, risk management processes are in place which ensure that the risks are taken within the risk appetite of the bank and that the return is balanced with the risk.This limits the exposures to regular banking risk types such as: credit risk, market risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and non-financial risks, including compliance. Nevertheless, Rabobank has identified some fundamental residual risks: Sustained historically low interest rate levels: have an adverse impact on profitability of Rabobank mainly due to the impact on the result from Rabobank's interest rate business. Sustained exceptional market developments: influence the Value at Risk (VaR) and require continuous mitigation by adjusting the market risk position based in strict limits. Unexpected loan losses: despite an effectively diversified business model and prudent lending criteria loan losses may be higher than estimated. Balance sheet imbalance: funding costs may undesirably increase due to dependence on the capital market and the increasing regulatory capital requirements. Increase and complexity of regulation: the additive effect of new regulations has a direct impact on the available strategic alternatives and imposes a heavy burden on scarce human and financial resources. Negative public opinion: restore of confidence in the financial sector is an important condition to maintain a healthy customer base. Geopolitical and economic instability: geopolitical unrest in the Eurozone and in the emerging markets and continued economic instability lead to uncertainty in the financial markets. IT systems and security: technology and digitalisation contribute to more efficient business processes and improved service but at the same time lead to greater reliance on IT systems. Cybercrime is a main focus area. New market entries and disruptive technologies: lead to increased competition in areas such as payment systems and credit. The risks mentioned above are inherent to the business model of Rabobank. The recent changes of the governance model and the announced cost reduction are part of the renewed strategy. Successful implementation of this strategy is of paramount importance to the future of Rabobank. 323 4. Risk management

Rabobank Bronnenarchief

Jaarverslagen Rabobank | 2015 | | pagina 324